David Bellwood
- david.bellwood@jcu.edu.au
- Adjunct Professor
Prof David Bellwood's research interests encompass the evolution and ecology of reef fishes. The central theme of his research is to understand the role that fishes play on coral reefs; from the origins of herbivory in the Cenozoic to the role of fishes in maintaining reef resilience. The approach is largely based on ecology, although it encompasses functional morphology, molecular phylogenetics, and palaeontology.
At larger scales, David's interests include global biogeography and the conservation of coral reefs, particularly the role of biodiversity in ecosystem processes.
Water flow ecology: How reef structure and water flow shape the world of fishes (Old ID 27855)
01 Apr 2023 - 31 Mar 2026
Coral recovery dynamics on post-bleach coral reefs (Old ID 27474)
01 Apr 2022 - 31 Mar 2024
A new functional approach to coral reefs (Old ID 26230)
01 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2024
ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrated Coral Reef Studies (Old ID 21109)
31 Oct 2014 - 31 Dec 2021
Research Data
Research Advisor Accreditation
Advisor Type
Research Advisor Accreditation
Chair; Independent Academic
Current JCU Research Students
Planktivorous fishes on coral reefs: A trophic exploration
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies)
Utilisation and Functional Diversity of Clear-water Mangrove Habitats in north Queensland: How Environmental Conditions impact Fish Assemblages
Master of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Coral reef communities through space and time
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Fish-coral associations: inter-relationships across time and space
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Assessing the movement, habits, and functional roles of nocturnal fishes
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
The evolution of diet, habitat, and morphology in reef fishes
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
The temporal dynamics of highly diverse reef fish assemblages
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Water flow ecology: How reef structure and water flow shape the world of fishes
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Completed JCU Research Students
Variation in relative species abundance of reef fishes: drivers and ecosystem impacts
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2020
Upscaling ecosystem studies on coral reefs
Master of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2024
The functioning of future coral reefs: fishes, sediments and productivity
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2022
The functional ecology of fish predation on coral reefs
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2022
Space use by fishes on coral reefs: Establishment, fidelity and reef resilience;;
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2020
The population dynamics and functions of corals on post-bleach coral reefs
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2024
The trophic ecology of reef fishes: The cnidarian challenge
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2021
The productivity of coral reef fishes
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2020
The colours of coral reef fishes
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2021
The evolution, macroecology and biogeography of coral reef fishes: a trophic perspective
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)- 2021
Lutzenkirchen, Lucas L.; Duce, Stephanie J.; Bellwood, David R. (2024) 'Exploring benthic habitat as. Coral Reefs, 43 :265-280. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Brandl, Simon J.; Mcwilliam, Mike; Streit, Robert P.; Yan, Helen F.; Tebbett, St...
Collins, William; Bellwood, David; Morais Araujo, Renato; Waltham, Nathan; Siqueira Correa, Alexandr...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bennett, Scott; Bellwood, David R. (2024) 'A functional perspective on the mea. Coral Reefs, 43 :219-232. [DOI] ...
Gahan, James; Bellwood, David R.; Bellwood, Orpha; Schlaefer, Jodie (2024) 'Gelatinous versus non-ge. Coral Reefs, 43 :243-252. [DOI] ...
Morais, Juliano; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Morais Araujo, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R. (2024) 'Natural . Ecolog, 27 (...
Bellwood, David R.; Bellwood, Orpha; Bellwood, Hannah R.; Bellwood, Oliver R. (2024) 'Sixteenth cent. Arms and Arm, 21 (1):48-...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R.; Bassett, Tahlia; Cuttler, Michael V.W.; Moustaka, Molly; W...
Morais, Juliano; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Morais, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R. (2024) 'Hot spots of bl. Marine Enviro, 193 . [DOI ...
Collins, William P.; Bellwood, David R.; Morais, Renato A. (2024) 'Small coral reef fishes with larg. Coral Reefs, 43 :233-242. [DOI] ...
Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'To harness traits for ecology, let's abandon 'function. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38 (5):402-411. [DOI] ...
Cumming, Graeme S.; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'Broad-scale analysis of fish community data suggests . Ecological Applications, 33 (4). [DOI] ...
Douglas, Sophia R.L.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Choukroun, Severine; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood...
Yan, Helen F.; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'Multi-decadal stability of fish productivity despite incre. Functional Ecology, 37 (5):1245-1255. [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Connolly, Sean R.; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'Benthic composition changes on c. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 7 (1):71-81. [DOI] ...
Madin, Joshua S.; McWilliam, Michael; Quigley, Kate; Bay, Line K.; Bellwood, David; Doropoulos, Chri...
Costa, Vincenzo A.; Bellwood, David R.; Mifsud, Jonathon C.O.; Van Brussel, Kate; Geoghegan, Jemma L...
Siqueira, Alexandre C.; Yan, Helen F.; Morais, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'The evolution o. Nature, 618 :322-32...
Siqueira Correa, Alexandre C.; Muruga, Pooventhran; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'On the evolution of f. Ecology Letters, 26 (8):1348-1358....
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Crisp, Samantha K.; Evans, Richard D.; Fulton, Christopher J.; Pessarrodona, A...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Schlaefer, Jodie A.; Bowden, Casey L.; Collins, William P.; Hemingson, Christo...
Cumming, Graeme S.; Adamska, Maja; Barnes, Michele L.; Barnett, Jon; Bellwood, David R.; Cinner, Jos...
Gahan, James; Bellwood, David R.; Nankervis, Leo; Tebbett, Sterling B. (2023) 'Spatial and temporal . Marine Environmenta, 191 . [DOI] ...
Morais, Renato A.; Smallhorn-West, Patrick; Connolly, Sean R.; Ngaluafe, Poasi Fale; Malimali, Siola...
Lutzenkirchen, Lucas L.; Duce, Stephanie J.; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'The global biogeography of r. Global Ecology and Biogeog, 32 (8):1353-1364. [DOI] ...
How to quantify algal turf sediments and particulates on tropical and temperate reefs: An overview
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Sgarlatta, M. Paula; Pessarrodona, Albert; Vergés, Adriana; Wernberg, Thomas; ...
Morais, Juliano; Morais Araujo, Renato; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2022) 'On the fate. Functiona, 36 (12)...
Occurrence and accumulation of heavy metals in algal turf particulates and sediments on coral reefs
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R.; Johnson, Erin R.; Chase, Tory J. (2022) 'Occurrence and ac. Marine Pollutio, 184 . [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling; Siqueira Correa, Alexandre; Bellwood, David (2022) 'The functional roles of surge. Reviews in Fish Biology and, 32 :387-439. [DOI] ...
Siqueira Correa, Alexandre; Kiessling, Wolfgang; Bellwood, David (2022) 'Fast-growing species shape . Nature Communications, 13 . [DOI] ...
Ng, Isabelle; Bellwood, David R.; Siqueira, Alexandre C. (2022) 'Do currents shape global patterns o. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31 (12):2524-2540. [DOI] ...
Bowden, Casey L.; Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R.; Tebbett, Sterling B. (2022) 'A 3D perspecti. Marine Pollu, 180 . [DO ...
Arjunwadkar, Chaitanya; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David; Bourne, David G.; Smith, Hillary A. (...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Streit, Robert P.; Morais, Juliano; Schlaefer, Jodie A.; Swan, Sam; Bellwood, ...
Schlaefer, Jodie A.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bowden, Casey L.; Collins, William P.; Duce, Stephanie; H...
Fisher, Rebecca; Leis, Jeffrey M.; Hogan, J. Derek; Bellwood, David R.; Wilson, Shaun K.; Job, Sures...
Cantalice, Kleyton M.; Alvarado-Ortega, Jesús; Bellwood, David R.; Siqueira, Alexandre C. (2022) 'Ri. ...
Collins, William P.; Bellwood, David R.; Morais, Renato A. (2022) 'The role of nocturnal fishes on c. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (8). [DOI] ...
Forensic odontology: Assessing bite wounds to determine the role of teeth in piscivorous fishes
Muruga, Pooventhran; Bellwood, David R.; Mihalitsis, Michalis (2022) 'Forensic odontology: Assessing. Integrative Organismal Biolo, 4 (1). [DOI] ...
Pessarrodona, Albert; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bosch, Nestor E.; Bellwood, David R.; Wernberg, Thomas (...
Hemingson, Christopher R.; Mihalitsis, Michalis; Bellwood, David R. (2022) 'Are fish communities on . Global Change Biology, 28 (10):3321-3332. ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Morais, Juliano; Bellwood, David R. (2022) 'Spatial patchiness in change, recr. Marine Environmental Research, 173 . [DOI] ...
Mihalitsis, Michalis; Morais Araujo, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R. (2022) 'Small predators dominate . PLoS Biology, 20 (11). [DOI] ...
Crisp, Samantha K.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2022) 'A critical evaluation of benthi. Marine Environmental Research, 178 . [DOI] ...
Mihalitsis, Michalis; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'Functional groups in piscivorous fishes'. Ecology and Evolution, 11 (18):12765-12778. [DOI] ...
Siqueira, Alexandre C.; Morais, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R.; Cowman, Peter F. (2021) 'Planktivores. Proceeding, 118 (9)....
Hemingson, Christopher R.; Siqueira, Alexandre C.; Cowman, Peter F.; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'Driv. Ev, ...
Morais, Juliano; Morais Araujo, Renato A.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Pratchett, Morgan S.; Bellwood, Dav...
Morais Araujo, Renato A.; Siqueira Correa, Alexandre C.; Smallhorn-West, Patrick F.; Bellwood, David...
Geoghegan, Jemma L.; Di Giallonardo, Francesca; Wille, Michelle; Ortiz-Baez, Ayda Susana; Costa, Vin...
How flexible are habitat specialists? Short-term space use in obligate coral-dwelling damselfishes
Streit, Robert P.; Hemingson, Christopher R.; Cumming, Graeme S.; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'How fle. Revie, 31 ...
Mihalitsis, Michalis; Hemingson, Christopher R.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2021...
Fine-scale foraging behavior reveals differences in the functional roles of herbivorous reef fishes
Semmler, Robert F.; Brandl, Simon J.; Keith, Sally; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'Fine-scale foraging b. Ecology and Evoluti, 11 (9):4898-4908....
Bellwood, David R.; Bellwood, Orpha; Ilming, Thomas (2021) 'The evolution of black and white or fleu. Arms and Armour, 18 (2):163-183. [DOI] ...
Valenzuela, Jessica; Bellwood, David; Morais, Renato (2021) 'Ontogenetic habitat shifts in fusiliers. Coral Reefs, 40 :1687-1696. [DOI] ...
Schlaefer, Jodie A.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'The study of sediments on cora. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 169 . [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'Algal turf productivity on coral reefs: a meta-anal. Marine Environmental Research, 168 . [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Morais, Renato A.; Goatley, Christopher; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'Collapsing. Journal , 289 . ...
Huertas Martin, Victor; Morais, Renato A.; Bonaldo, Roberta M.; Bellwood, David R. (2021) 'Parrotfis. PLoS ON, 16 (9...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Goatley, Christopher H. R.; Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Alga. Sc, ...
Cantalice, Kleyton Magno; Alvarado-Ortega, Jesús; Bellwood, David Roy (2020) '†Chaychanus gonzalezor. Journal of South Ame, 98 . [DOI] ...
A 3D perspective on sediment accumulation in algal turfs: implications of coral reef flattening
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'A 3D perspective on sediment acc. Journal of Ecology, 108 (1):70-80. [DOI] ...
Macroalgae removal on coral reefs: realised ecosystem functions transcend biogeographic locations
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Depczynski, Martial; Wismer, Sharon; Bellwood, David R. (2020...
Siqueira, Alexandre C.; Morais, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R.; Cowman, Peter F. (2020) 'Trophic inno. Nature Com, 11 . [D ...
Greater multihabitat use in Caribbean fishes when compared to their Great Barrier Reef counterparts
Hemingson, Christopher R.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Greater multihabitat use in Caribbean fishes w. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 239 . [DOI] ...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Brandl, Simon J.; Wroe, Stephen; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Simple larvae. Coral Reefs, 40 :75-82...
Hemingson, Christopher R.; Cowman, Peter F.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Body size determines eyespot. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (15):8144-8152. [DOI ...
Bellwood, David R.; Hemingson, Christopher R.; Tebbett, Sterling B. (2020) 'Subconscious biases in c. BioScience, 70 (7):621-627. [DO ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Chase, Tory J.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Farming damselfishes shape algal tu. Marine Environmental Research, 160 . [DOI] ...
Morais, Renato A.; Connolly, Sean R.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Human exploitation shapes productiv. Global Change Biology, 26 (3):1295-1305. [DOI] ...
Oakley-Cogan, Arun; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Habitat zonation on coral reefs. PLoS ONE, 15 (6). [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Sediments ratchet-down coral reef algal turf produc. Science of the Total Environment, 713 . [DOI] ...
Huertas, Victor; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Trophic separation in planktivorous reef fishes: a new r. Oecologia, 192 (3):813-822. [DOI] ...
Morais, Renato A.; Depczynski, Martial; Fulton, Christopher; Marnane, Michael; Narvaez, Pauline; Hue...
Morais, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R. (2020) 'Principles for estimating fish productivity on coral r. Coral Reefs, 39 :1221-1231. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Pratchett, Morgan S.; Morrison, Tiffany H.; Gurney, Georgina G.; Hughes, Terry P...
Morais, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Pelagic subsidies underpin fish productivity on a degr. Current Biology, 29 (9):1521-1527. [DOI] ...
Latrille, François X.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Quantifying sediment dynamic. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141 :404-415. [DOI] ...
Siqueira, Alexandre C.; Bellwood, David R.; Cowman, Peter F. (2019) 'The evolution of traits and fun. 286 (1897). [DOI] ...
Brandl, Simon J.; Tornabene, Luke; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Casey, Jordan M.; Morais, Renato A.; C...
Mihalitsis, Michalis; Bellwood, David (2019) 'Functional implications of dentition-based morphotypes. Royal Society Open Science, 6 (9). [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Expansion of a colonial ascidian. Marine Environmental Research, 144 :125-129. [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Algal turf sediments on coral reefs: what's known a. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149 . [DOI] ...
Hemingson, Christopher R.; Cowman, Peter F.; Hodge, Jennifer R.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Colour p. Ecolog, 22 (...
Bellwood, David R.; Streit, Robert P.; Brandl, Simon J.; Tebbett, Sterling B. (2019) 'The meaning of. Functional E, 33 (6):948...
Bellwood, David R.; Schultz, Ortwin; Siqueira Correa, Alexandre C.; Cowman, Peter F. (2019) 'A revie. Annal, 121...
Streit, Robert P.; Cumming, Graeme S.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Patchy delivery of functions under. Functional Ecology, 33 (6):1144-1155. [DOI] ...
Wismer, Sharon; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Spatial mismatch. Science of the, 650 :1487-14...
Siqueira, Alexandre C.; Bellwood, David R.; Cowman, Peter F. (2019) 'Historical biogeography of herb. Journal of Biogeography, 46 (7):1611-1624. [DOI] ...
Mihalitsis, Michalis; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Morphological and functional diversity of piscivoro. Coral Reefs, 38 (5):945-954. [DOI] ...
Wismer, Sharon; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2019) 'Young fishes per. Communications, 2 . [DOI] ...
Brandl, Simon J.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R.; Tornabene, Luke (2018) 'The hidden . Biologica, 93 (4):...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R. (2018) 'Functional links on coral reefs: urchins and trigge. Marine Environmental Research, 141 :255-263. [DOI] ...
Huertas, Victor; Bellwood, David R. (2018) 'Feeding innovations and the first coral-feeding fishes'. Coral Reefs, 37 (3):649-658. [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David R.; Purcell, Steven W. (2018) 'Sediment addition drives declin. Coral Reefs, 37 (3):929-937. [DOI] ...
Morais, Renato A.; Bellwood, David R. (2018) 'Global drivers of reef fish growth'. Fish and Fisheries, 19 (5):874-889. [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2018) 'Algal turf sediments acr. Marine Pollution Bulle, 137 :518-525. [DOI] ...
Hemingson, Christopher R.; Bellwood, David R. (2018) 'Biogeographic patterns in major marine realms:. Ecography, 41 (1):174-182. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, Orpha; Mihalitsis, Michalis; Morais, Renato A.; ...
Wainwright, Peter C.; Santini, Francesco; Bellwood, David R.; Robertson, D. Ross; Rocha, Luiz A.; Al...
Goatley, C.H.R.; Wroe, S.; Tebbett, S.B.; Bellwood, D.R. (2018) 'An evaluation of a double-tailed de. Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (5):1645-1650. [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Huertas Martin, Victor; Mihalitsis, Michalis; Bellw...
Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2018) 'Strong homing does not predict high site fidelity in j. Coral Reefs, 37 (1):99-103. [DOI] ...
Kölbl-Ebert, Martina; Ebert, Martin; Bellwood, David R.; Schulbert, Christian (2018) 'A piranha-like. Current Biol, 28 (21):35...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'The effects of algal tur. PLoS ONE, 12 (1). [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'Clarifying functional ro. Coral Reefs, 36 (3):803-813. [DO ...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; González-Cabello, Alonso; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'Small cryptopredator. Coral Reefs, 36 (1):207-212. ...
Kerry, James T.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'Environmental drivers of sheltering behaviour in large r. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125 (1-2):254-259. [DOI] ...
Connolly, Sean R.; Hughes, Terry P.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'A unified model explains commonness . Ecology Letters, 20 (4):477-486. [DOI] ...
Fulton, Christopher J.; Wainwright, Peter C.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'Global eco. Ecology , 7 (1):...
Hughes, Terry P.; Kerry, James T.; Álvarez-Noriega, Mariana; Alvarez-Romero, Jorge G.; Anderson, Kri...
Khan, Joanna A.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Brandl, Simon J.; Tebbett, Sterling B.; Bellwood, David ...
Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'High prevalence of homing behaviour among juvenile cor. Coral Reefs, 36 (4):1083-1095. [DOI] ...
Mihalitsis, Michalis; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'A morphological and functional basis for maximum pr. PLoS ONE, 12 (9). [DOI] ...
Hughes, Terry P.; Barnes, Michele L.; Bellwood, David R.; Cinner, Joshua E.; Cumming, Graeme S.; Jac...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'Fine sediments suppress . Marine Pollution Bulle, 114 (2):934-940. [D ...
Kramer, Michael J.; Bellwood, David R.; Taylor, Richard B. (2017) 'Benthic Crustacea from tropical a. Coral Reefs, 36 (3):971-980. [DOI] ...
Konow, Nicolai; Price, Samantha; Abom, Richard; Bellwood, David; Wainwright, Peter (2017) 'Decoupled. 284 (18...
Bellwood, David R.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, Orpha (2017) 'The evolution of fishes and c. Biological Reviews, 92 (2):878-901. [DOI] ...
Tebbett, Sterling B.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'Algal turf sediments and. PLoS ONE, 12 (1). [DOI] ...
Gordon, Sophie; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'Composition and temporal stabi. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 111 (1-2):178-183. [DOI] ...
Herbivore cross-scale redundancy supports response diversity and promotes coral reef resilience
Nash, Kirsty L.; Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Jennings, Simon; Wilson, Shaun K.; Bellwood, David R. (2016)...
Hodge, Jennifer R.; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'The geography of speciation in coral reef fishes: the. Journal of Biogeography, 43 (7):1324-1335. [DOI] ...
Kramer, M.J.; Bellwood, O.; Bellwood, D.R. (2016) 'Foraging and microhabitat use by crustacean-feedi. 548 :277-282. [DOI] ...
Lefèvre, Carine D.; Nash, Kirsty L.; González-Cabello, Alonso; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'Consequenc. Coral Re, 35 (2)...
Microtopographic refuges shape consumer‑producer dynamics by mediating consumer functional diversity
Brandl, Simon J.; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'Microtopographic refuges shape consumer‑producer dynami. Oecologia, 182 (1):203-217. [DOI] ...
Young, Matthew A.L.; Foale, Simon; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'Why do fishers fish? A cross-cultural . Marine Policy, 66 :114-123. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Khan, Joanna A.; Tebbett, Sterling B. (2016) 'Site fi. Coral, 35 ...
Leprieur, Fabien; Colosio, Simona; Descombes, Patrice; Parravicini, Valeriano; Kulbicki, Michel; Cow...
Young, Matthew A.L.; Foale, Simon; Bellwood, David (2016) 'The last marine wilderness: spearfishing . Environmental Conservation, 43 (1):90-95. [DOI] ...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bonaldo, Roberta M.; Fox, Rebecca J.; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'Sediment. Ecolog, 21 (...
Global marine protected areas do not secure the evolutionary history of tropical corals and fishes
Mouillot, D.; Parravicini, V.; Bellwood, D.R.; Leprieur, F.; Huang, D.; Cowman, P.F.; Albouy, C.; Hu...
Goatley, Christopher Harry Robert; Bellwood, David Roy (2016) 'Body size and mortality rates in cora. 283 :1-6. [DOI] ...
Reef-scale partitioning of cryptobenthic fish assemblages across the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Goatley, C.H.R.; González-Cabello, Alonso; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'Reef-scale partitioning of cry. Marine Ecology - Progress Se, 544 :271-280. [DOI] ...
Kerry, J.T.; Bellwood, D.R. (2016) 'Competition for shelter in a high-diversity system: structure us. Coral Reefs, 35 (1):245-252. [DOI] ...
Leprieur, Fabien; Descombes, Patrice; Gaboriau, Théo; Cowman, Peter F.; Parravicini, Valeriano; Kulb...
Using passive acoustic telemetry to infer mortality events in adult herbivorous coral reef fishes
Khan, J.A.; Welsh, J.Q.; Bellwood, D.R. (2016) 'Using passive acoustic telemetry to infer mortality . Coral Reefs, 35 (2):411-420. [DOI] ...
Gordon, Sophie E.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2016) 'Low-quality sediments deter. Coral Reefs, 35 (1):285-291. [DOI] ...
Fox, Rebecca J.; Bellwood, David R.; Jennions, Michael D. (2015) 'Why pair? Evidence of aggregative . Royal Society Open Science, 2 :1-7. [DOI] ...
Loffler, Zoe; Bellwood, David R.; Hoey, Andrew S. (2015) 'Among-habitat algal selectivity by browsin. Coral Reefs, 34 (2):597-605. [DOI] ...
Loffler, Z.; Bellwood, D.R.; Hoey, A.S. (2015) 'Associations among coral reef macroalgae influence f. Coral Reefs, 34 (1):51-55. [DOI] ...
Welsh, J.Q.; Bonaldo, R.M.; Bellwood, D.R. (2015) 'Clustered parrotfish feeding scars trigger partia. Coral Reefs, 34 (1):81-86. [DOI] ...
Welsh, Justin Q.; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Simulated macro-algal outbreak triggers a large-scale r. PLoS ONE, 10 (7):1-16. [DOI] ...
Young, Matthew A.L.; Foale, Simon; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Dynamic catch trends in the history of. Conservation Biology, 29 (3):784-794. [DOI] ...
Condy, Michelle ; Cinner, Joshua E.; McClanahan, Tim R.; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Projections of t. 25 (3):396-410...
Bellwood, David R.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, Orpha; Delbarre, Daniel J.; Friedman, Matt ...
Kerry, J.T.; Bellwood, D.R. (2015) 'The functional role of tabular structures for large reef fishes:. Coral Reefs, 34 (2):693-702. [DOI] ...
Kerry, J.T.; Bellwood, D.R. (2015) 'Do tabular corals constitute keystone structures for fishes on c. Coral Reefs, 34 (1):41-50. [DOI] ...
Hodge, Jennifer; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'On the relationship between species age and geographical. 24 (4):495-505. [DOI] ...
Refining the invertivore: diversity and specialisation in fish predation on coral reef crustaceans
Kramer, Michael J.; Bellwood, Orpha; Fulton, Christopher J.; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Refining the. Marine Bio, 162 (9):...
Disturbance and recolonisation by small reef fishes: the role of local movement versus recruitment
Lefèvre, C.D.; Bellwood, D.R. (2015) 'Disturbance and recolonisation by small reef fishes: the role . 537 :205-215. [DOI] ...
Brandl, Simon J.; Robbins, William D.; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Exploring the nature of ecological. 282 (1815):1-10. [DOI] ...
Brandl, Simon J.; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Coordinated vigilance provides evidence for direct reci. Scientific Reports, 5 . [DOI] ...
Nash, Kirsty L.; Welsh, Justin Q.; Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Home-range allo. Oecologia, 177 (1):73-...
Streit, Robert P.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Bellwood, David R. (2015) 'Feeding characteristics reveal functi. Coral Reefs, 34 (4):1037-1047. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, D.R.; Goatley, C.H.R.; Brandl, S.J.; Bellwood, O. (2014) 'Fifty million years of herbivory. 281 :1-8. [DOI] ...
Pellissier, Loïc; Leprieur, Fabien; Parravicini, Valeriano; Cowman, Peter F.; Kulbicki, Michel; Lits...
Young, Matthew A.L.; Foale, Simon; Bellwood, David R. (2014) 'Impacts of recreational fishing in Aus. Environmental Conservation, 41 (4):350-356. [DOI] ...
Functional over-redundancy and high functional vulnerability in global fish faunas on tropical reefs
Mouillot, David; Villéger, Sébastien; Parravicini, Valeriano; Kulbicki, Michel; Ernesto Arias-Gonzál...
Lobato, Fabio L.; Barneche, Diego R.; Siqueira Correa, Alexandre C.; Liedke, Ana M.R.; Lindner, Albe...
Welsh, J.Q.; Bellwood, D.R. (2014) 'Herbivorous fishes, ecosystem function and mobile links on coral. Coral Reefs, 33 (2):303-311. [DOI] ...
Chong-Seng, K.M.; Nash, K.L.; Bellwood, D.R.; Graham, N.A.J. (2014) 'Macroalgal herbivory on recover. Coral Reefs, 33 (2):409-419. [DOI] ...
Micro-topography mediates interactions between corals, algae, and herbivorous fishes on coral reefs
Brandl, S.J.; Hoey, A.S.; Bellwood, D.R. (2014) 'Micro-topography mediates interactions between cora. Coral Reefs, 33 (2):421-430. [DOI] ...
Hughes, Terry P.; Bellwood, David R.; Connolly, Sean R.; Cornell, Howard V.; Karlson, Ronald H. (201...
Fox, Rebecca J.; Bellwood, David R. (2014) 'Herbivores in a small world: network theory highlights v. Functional Ecology, 28 (3):642-651. [DOI] ...
Brandl, Simon J.; Bellwood, David R. (2014) 'Individual-based analyses reveal limited functional ove. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83 (3):661-670. [DOI] ...
Hodge, Jennifer R.; Van Herwerden, Lynne ; Bellwood, David R. (2014) 'Temporal evolution of coral re. Journal of Biogeography, 41 (11):2115-2127. [DOI] ...
Kramer, M.J.; Bellwood, D.R.; Bellwood, O. (2014) 'Benthic Crustacea on coral reefs: a quantitative . 511 :105-116. [DOI] ...
Kramer, M.J.; Bellwood, D.R.; Bellwood, O. (2014) 'Large‐scale spatial variation in epilithic algal . Marine Biology, 161 (9):2183-2190. [DOI] ...
Brandl, Simon J.; Bellwood, David R. (2014) 'Pair-formation in coral reef fishes: an ecological per. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review, 52 :1-80. [DOI] ...
A new genus and species of pomacentrid fish (Perciformes) from the Eocene of Bolca in northern Italy
Bannikov, Alexandre F.; Bellwood, David R. (2014) 'A new genus and species of pomacentrid fish (Perc. 12 :7-14. ...
Bonaldo, Roberta M.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Bellwood, David R. (2014) 'The ecosystem roles of parrotfishes. Oceanography and Marine Biology, 52 :81-132. [DOI] ...
Parravicini, Valeriano; Villéger, Sébastien; McClanahan, Tim R.; Arias-González, Jesus Ernesto; Bell...
D'agata, Stéphanie; Mouillot, David; Kulbicki, Michel; Andréföuet, Serge; Bellwood, David R.; Cinner...
Gaither, Michelle R.; Schultz, Jennifer K.; Bellwood, David R.; Pyle, Richard L.; DiBattista, Joseph...
Evolution of long-toothed fishes and the changing nature of fish-benthos interactions on coral reefs
Bellwood, David R.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Bellwood, Orpha; Goatley, Christopher H.R. (2014) 'Evolution of. Nature Com, 5 :1-6. ...
Cowman, Peter F.; Bellwood, David R. (2013) 'The historical biogeography of coral reef fishes: globa. Journal of Biogeography, 40 (2):209-224. [DOI] ...
Hodge, Jennifer R.; Read, Charmaine I.; Bellwood, David R.; van Herwerden, Lynne (2013) 'Evolution o. Journal o, 40 (9):...
Kramer, M.J.; Bellwood, D.R.; Bellwood, O. (2013) 'Emergent fauna from hard surfaces on the Great Ba. Marine and Freshwater Research, 64 (8):687-691. [DOI] ...
Mouillot, David; Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Villeger, Sebastien; Mason, Norman W. H.; Bellwood, David R....
Welsh, J.Q.; Goatley, C.H.R.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'The ontogeny of home ranges: evidence from cora. 280 (1773):1-7. [DOI] ...
Hoey, A.S.; Brandl, S.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'Diet and cross-shelf distribution of rabbitfishes (. Coral Reefs, 32 (4):973-984. [DOI] ...
Johansson, C.L.; Bellwood, D.R.; Depczynski, M.; Hoey, A.S. (2013) 'The distribution of the sea urch. Journal of Experimental Marine, 442 :39-46. [DOI] ...
Johansson, C.L.; van de Leemput, I.A.; Depczynski, M.; Hoey, A.S.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'Key herbiv. Coral Re, 32 (4)...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2013) 'Ecological consequences of sediment on high-en. PLoS ONE, 8 (10):1-7. [DOI] ...
Fulton, C.J.; Binning, S.A.; Wainwright, P.C.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'Wave-induced abiotic stress sh. Coral Reefs, 32 (3):685-689. [DOI] ...
Morphology, sociality, and ecology: can morphology predict pairing behavior in coral reef fishes?
Brandl, S.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'Morphology, sociality, and ecology: can morphology predict pair. Coral Reefs, 32 (3):835-846. [DOI] ...
Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Bellwood, David R.; Cinner, Joshua E.; Hughes, Terry P.; Norström, Albert V.;...
Mouillot, David; De Bortoli, Julien; Leprieur, Fabien; Parravicini, Valeriano; Kulbicki, Michel; Bel...
Parravicini, V.; Kulbicki, M.; Bellwood, D.R.; Friedlander, A.M.; Arias-Gonzalez, J.E.; Chabanet, P....
Kulbicki, Michel; Parravicini, Valeriano; Bellwood, David R.; Arias-Gonzàlez, Ernesto; Chabanet, Pas...
Mouillot, David; Bellwood, David R.; Baraloto, Christopher; Chave, Jerome; Galzin, Rene; Harmelin-Vi...
Brandl, S.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'Pair formation in the herbivorous rabbitfish Siganus doliatus'. Journal of Fish Biology, 82 (6):2031-2044. [DOI] ...
Nash, Kirsty L.; Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Wilson, Shaun K.; Bellwood, David R. (2013) 'Cross-scale hab. Ecosystems, 16 (3):478-...
Fox, R.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'Niche partitioning of feeding microhabitats produces a unique func. Coral Reefs, 32 (1):13-23. [DOI] ...
Nash, Kirsty L.; Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Bellwood, David R. (2013) 'Fish foraging patterns, vulnerabi. Ecological Applications, 23 (7):1632-1644. [DOI] ...
Cowman, Peter F.; Bellwood, David R. (2013) 'Vicariance across major marine biogeographic barriers: . 280 (1768):1-8. [DOI] ...
Kramer, M.J.; Bellwood, O.; Bellwood, D.R. (2013) 'The trophic importance of algal turfs for coral r. Coral Reefs, 32 (2):575-583. [DOI] ...
Kramer, M.J.; Bellwood, D.R.; Bellwood, O. (2012) 'Cryptofauna of the epilithic algal matrix on an i. Coral Reefs, 31 (4):1007-1015. [DOI] ...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Bellwood, David R. (2012) 'The role of turtles as coral . PLoS ONE, 7 (6):1-7. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Baird, Andrew H.; Depczynski, Martial; González-Cabello, Alonso; Hoey, Andrew S....
Kerry, J.T.; Bellwood, D.R. (2012) 'The effect of coral morphology on shelter selection by coral ree. Coral Reefs, 31 (2):415-424. [DOI] ...
Hoey, Andrew; Bellwood, David R.; Barnett, Adam (2012) 'To feed or to breed: morphological constrain. 279 (1737):2426-2432. [DOI] ...
Hodge, Jennifer R.; Read, Charmaine I.; Van Herwerden, Lynne; Bellwood, David R. (2012) 'The role of. Molecular, 62 (2):...
Welsh, J.Q.; Bellwood, D.R. (2012) 'Spatial ecology of the steephead parrotfish (Chlorurus microrhin. Coral Reefs, 31 (1):55-65. [DOI] ...
Barnes, Lachlan; Bellwood, David R.; Sheaves, Marcus; Tanner, Jennifer K. (2012) 'The use of clear-w. Marine Biology, 159 (1):211-22...
Bellwood, David R.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Hughes, Terence P. (2012) 'Human activity selectively impacts t. 279 (1733):1621-1629. [DOI] ...
Leprieur, Fabien; Albouy, Camille; De Bortoli, Julien; Cowman, Peter F.; Bellwood, David R.; Mouillo...
Verges, Adriana; Bennett, Scott; Bellwood, David R. (2012) 'Diversity among macroalgae-consuming fis. PLoS ONE, 7 (9):1-8. [DOI] ...
Bonaldo, R.M.; Welsh, J.Q.; Bellwood, D.R. (2012) 'Spatial and temporal variation in coral predation. Coral Reefs, 31 (1):263-272. [DOI] ...
Johansson, C. L.; Bellwood, D. R.; Depczynski, M. (2012) 'The importance of live coral for small-siz. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63 (8):672-679. [DOI] ...
Nash, Kirsty L.; Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Januchowski-Hartley, Fraser A.; Bellwood, David R. (2012) 'I. ...
Chong-Seng, Karen M.; Mannering, Thomas D.; Pratchett, Morgan S.; Bellwood, David R.; Graham, Nichol...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2012) 'Sediment suppresses herbivory across a coral r. Biology Letters, 8 (6):1016-1018. [DOI] ...
Welsh, Justin Q.; Bellwood, David R. (2012) 'Regional endothermy in a coral reef fish?'. PLoS ONE, 7 (3):1-5. [DOI] ...
Performance of remote acoustic receivers within a coral reef habitat: implications for array design
Welsh, J.Q.; Fox, R.J,; Webber, D.M.; Bellwood, D.R. (2012) 'Performance of remote acoustic receiver. Coral Reefs, 31 (3):693-702. [DOI] ...
Welsh, J.Q.; Bellwood, D.R. (2012) 'How far do schools of roving herbivores rove? A case study using. Coral Reefs, 31 (4):991-1003. [DOI] ...
Young, M.A.L.; Bellwood, D.R. (2012) 'Fish predation on sea urchins on the Great Barrier Reef'. Coral Reefs, 31 (3):731-738. [DOI] ...
Konow, Nicolai; Bellwood, David R. (2011) 'Evolution of high trophic diversity based on limited func. PLoS ONE, 6 (9):1-11. [DOI] ...
Fox, Rebecca J.; Bellwood, David R. (2011) 'Unconstrained by the clock? Plasticity of diel activity
. Functional Ecology, 25 (5):1096-1105. [DOI] ...
Hoey, Andrew S.; Bellwood, David R. (2011) 'Suppression of herbivory by macroalgal density: a critic. Ecology Letters, 14 (3):267-273. [DOI] ...
Lefèvre, Carine D.; Bellwood, David R. (2011) 'Temporal variation in coral reef ecosystem processes:. 422 :239-251. [DOI] ...
Young, M.A.L.; Bellwood, D.R. (2011) 'Diel patterns in sea urchin activity and predation on sea urch. Coral Reefs, 30 (3):729-736. [DOI] ...
Dickens, Luke C.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Tanner, Jennifer K.; Bellwood, David R. (2011) 'Quantif. PLoS , 6 (...
Bennett, S.; Bellwood, D.R. (2011) 'Latitudinal variation in macroalgal consumption by fishes on the. 426 :241-252. [DOI] ...
Bonaldo, R.M.; Bellwood, D.R. (2011) 'Parrotfish predation on massive Porites on the Great Barrier R. Coral Reefs, 30 (1):259-269. [DOI] ...
Bonaldo, R.M.; Bellwood, D.R. (2011) 'Spatial variation in the effects of grazing on epilithic algal. Coral Reefs, 30 (2):381-390. [DOI] ...
Bonaldo, R.M.; Krajewski, P.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2011) 'Relative impact of parrotfish grazing scars o. 423 :223-233. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, D.R.; Choat, J.H. (2011) 'Dangerous demographics: the lack of juvenile humphead parrotfish. Coral Reefs, 30 (2):549-554. [DOI] ...
Hughes, T.P.; Bellwood, D.R.; Baird, A.H.; Brodie, J.; Bruno, J.F.; Pandolfi, J.M. (2011) 'Shifting . Coral R, 30 (3...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2011) 'The roles of dimensionality, canopies and comp. PLoS ONE, 6 (11):1-8. [DOI] ...
Cowman, P.F.; Bellwood, D.R. (2011) 'Coral reefs as drivers of cladogenesis: expanding coral reefs, . Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24 (12):2543-2562. [DOI] ...
Farnsworth, Claire A; Bellwood, David; Van Herwerden, Lynne (2010) 'Genetic structure across the GBR. Marine Biology, 157 (5):945-953. [DOI] ...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R. (2010) 'Biologically mediated sediment fluxes on coral. 415 :237-245. [DOI] ...
Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Bellwood, David R.; Bellwood, Orpha (2010) 'Fishes on coral reefs: changi. 36 (3):415-427. [DOI] ...
Bennett, S.; Vergés, A.; Bellwood, D.R. (2010) 'Branching coral as a macroalgal refuge in a marginal. Coral Reefs, 29 (2):471-480. [DOI] ...
Hoey, A.S.; Bellwood, D.R. (2010) 'Cross-shelf variation in browsing intensity on the Great Barrier . Coral Reefs, 29 (2):499-508. [DOI] ...
Alva-Campbell, Yvette; Floeter, Sergio R.; Robertson, D. Ross; Bellwood, David R.; Bernardi, Giacomo...
Hoey, Andrew; Bellwood, David (2010) 'Among-habitat variation in herbivory on Sargassum spp.
on a mi. Marine Biology, 157 (1):189-200. [DOI] ...
Hoey, A.S.; Bellwood, D.R. (2010) 'Damselfish territories as a refuge for macroalgae on coral reefs'. Coral Reefs, 29 (1):107-118. [DOI] ...
Lefevre, Carine; Bellwood, David (2010) 'Seasonality and dynamics in coral reef macroalgae:
variatio. Marine Biology, 157 (5):955-965. [DOI] ...
Johansson, C.L.; Bellwood, D.R.; Depczynski, M. (2010) 'Sea urchins, macroalgae and coral reef decli. 414 :65-74. [DOI] ...
Price, Samantha A.; Wainwright, Peter C.; Bellwood, David R.; Kazancioglu, Erem; Collar, David C.; N...
Wilson, S.K.; Adjeroud, M.; Bellwood, D.R.; Berumen, M.L.; Booth, D.; Bozec, Y.-Marie; Chabanet, P.;...
Evolutionary history of the butterflyfishes (f: Chaetodontidae) and the rise of coral feeding fishes
Bellwood, D.R.; Klanten, S.; Cowman, P.F.; Pratchett, M.S.; Konow, N.; Van Herwerden, L. (2010) 'Evo. J,...
Cowman, Peter F.; Bellwood, David R.; van Herwerden, Lynne (2009) 'Dating the evolutionary origins o. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evo, 52 (3):621-631. [DOI] ...
Hoey, Andrew S.; Bellwood, David R. (2009) 'Limited functional redundancy in a high diversity system. Ecosystems, 12 (8):1316-1328. [DOI] ...
Connolly, Sean R; Dornelas, Maria; Bellwood, David R.; Hughes, Terence P (2009) 'Testing species abu. Ecology, 90 (11):3138-31...
Cvitanovic, C.; Bellwood, D.R. (2009) 'Local variation in herbivore feeding activity on an inshore r. Coral Reefs, 28 (1):127-133. [DOI] ...
Wismer, Sharon; Hoey, Andrew; Bellwood, David R. (2009) 'Cross-shelf benthic community structure on . 376 :45-54. [DOI] ...
Bonaldo, Roberta Martini; Bellwood, David R. (2009) 'Dynamics of parrotfish grazing scars'. Marine Biology, 156 (4):771-777. [DOI] ...
Fox, Rebecca J.; Sunderland, Tony L.; Hoey, Andrew; Bellwood, David R. (2009) 'Estimating ecosystem . 385 :261-269. [DOI ...
Goatley, Christopher; Bellwood, David R. (2009) 'Morphological structure in a reef fish assemblage'. Coral Reefs, 28 (2):1-9. [DOI] ...
Gonzalez Cabello, Alonso; Bellwood, David R. (2009) 'Local ecological impacts of regional biodiversi. Journal of Biogeography, 36 (6):1129-1137. [DOI] ...
Pratchett, Morgan S.; Munday, Philip L.; Wilson, Shaun K.; Graham, Nicholas A.J.; Cinner, Joshua E.;...
Renema, W.; Bellwood, D.R.; Braga, J.C.; Bromfield, K.; Hall, R.; Johnson, K.G.; Lunt, P.; Meyer, C....
Johansen, J.L.; Bellwood, D.R.; Fulton, C.J. (2008) 'Do coral reef fishes exploit flow refuges in hi. 360 :219-226. [DOI] ...
Fox, Rebecca J.; Bellwood, David R. (2008) 'Direct versus indirect methods of quantifying herbivore . Marine Biology, 154 (2):325-334. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Fulton, Christopher J. (2008) 'Sediment-mediated suppression of herbivory on cor. Limnology and Oceanography, 53 (6):2695-2701. ...
Bonaldo, Roberta M.; Bellwood, David R. (2008) 'Size-dependent variation in the functional role of t. 360 :237-244. [DOI] ...
Konow, Nicolai; Bellwood, David R.; Wainwright, Peter C.; Kerr, Alexander M. (2008) 'Evolution of no. Biological Jo, 93 (3):545-...
Fox, R.J.; Bellwood, D. R. (2008) 'Remote video bioassays reveal the potential feeding impact of the. Coral Reefs, 27 (3):605-615. [DOI] ...
Hoey, A. S.; Bellwood, D. R. (2008) 'Cross-shelf variation in the role of parrotfishes on the Great . Coral Reefs, 27 (1):37-47. [DOI] ...
Depczynski, Martial; Fulton, Christopher J.; Marnane, Michael J.; Bellwood, David R. (2007) 'Life hi. Oecol, 153...
Job, Suresh; Bellwood, David R. (2007) 'Ultraviolet photosensitivity and feeding in larval and juven. Marine Biology, 151 (2):495-503. [DOI] ...
A rare hybridization event in two common Caribbean wrasses (genus Halichoeres; family Labridae)
Yaakub, S.M.; Bellwood, D.R.; van Herwerden, L. (2007) 'A rare hybridization event in two common Car. Coral Reefs, 26 (3):597-602. [DOI] ...
Johansen, J.L.; Fulton, C.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2007) 'Avoiding the flow: refuges expand the swimming . Coral Reefs, 26 (3):577-583. [DOI] ...
Mantyka, C.S.; Bellwood, D.R. (2007) 'Direct evaluation of macroalgal removal by herbivorous coral r. Coral Reefs, 26 (2):435-442. [DOI] ...
Hughes, Terence P.; Gunderson, Lance H.; Folke, Carl; Baird, Andrew H.; Bellwood, David; Berkes, Fik...
Mantyka, Chrystal S.; Bellwood, David R. (2007) 'Macroalgal grazing selectivity among herbivorous co. 352 :177-185. [DOI] ...
Fox, Rebecca J.; Bellwood, David R. (2007) 'Quantifying herbivory across a coral reef depth gradient. 339 :49-59. [DOI] ...
Hughes, Terry P.; Bellwood, David R.; Folke, Carl S.; McCook, Laurence J.; Pandolfi, John M. (2007) ...
Hughes, Terence P.; Rodrigues, Maria J.; Bellwood, David R.; Ceccarelli, Daniela; Hoegh-Guldberg, Ov...
Johansen, J.L.; Fulton, C.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2007) 'Estimating the sustained swimming ability of co. Marine and Freshwater Research, 58 (3):233-239. [DOI] ...
Read, Charmine I.; Bellwood, David R.; van Herwerden, Lynne (2006) 'Ancient origins of Indo-Pacific . Molecular Phylogenetics and Ev, 38 (3):808-819. [DOI] ...
Berkes, F.; Hughes, T.P.; Steneck, R.S.; Wilson, J.A.; Bellwood, D.R.; Crona, B.; Folke, C.; Gunders...
Bellwood, David R; Hoey, Andrew S; Ackerman, John L; Depczynski, Martial (2006) 'Coral bleaching, re. Global Change Bio, 12 (9):1587-159...
Bellwood, D.R.; Wainwright, P.C.; Fulton, C.J.; Hoey, A.S. (2006) 'Functional versatility supports c. 273 (1582):101-107. [DOI] ...
Barnett, Adam; Bellwood, David R.; Hoey, Andrew S. (2006) 'Trophic ecomorphology of cardinalfish'. 322 :249-257. ...
Bellwood, David R.; Hughes, Terry P.; Hoey, Andrew S. (2006) 'Sleeping functional group drives coral. Current Biology, 16 (24):2434-2439. [DOI] ...
Depczynski, Martial; Bellwood, David R. (2006) 'Extremes, plasticity, and invariance in vertebrate l. Ecology, 87 (12):3119-3127. [DOI] ...
Yaakub, Siti M.; Bellwood, David R.; van Herwerden, Lynne; Walsh, Fenton M. (2006) 'Hybridization in. Molecular Phyl, 40 (1):84-10...
Fulton, Christopher J.; Bellwood, David R. (2005) 'Wave-induced water motion and the functional impl. Limnology and Oceanography, 50 (1):255-264. [DOI] ...
Hughes, Terence P.; Bellwood, David R.; Folke, Carl; Steneck, Robert S.; Wilson, James (2005) 'New p. Tre, 2...
Connolly, Sean R.; Hughes, Terry P.; Bellwood, David R.; Karlson, Ronald H. (2005) 'Community struct. Science, 309 (5739):1...
Fulton, C.J.; Bellwood, D.R.; Wainwright, P.C. (2005) 'Wave energy and swimming performance shape co. 272 (1565):827-832. [DOI] ...
Westneat, Mark W.; Alfaro, Michael E.; Wainwright, Peter C.; Bellwood, David R.; Grubich, Justin R.;...
Barber, Paul H.; Bellwood, David R. (2005) 'Biodiversity hotspots: evolutionary origins of biodivers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 35 (1):235-253. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, D.R.; Hughes, T.P.; Connolly, S.R.; Tanner, J. (2005) 'Environmental and geometric constra. Ecology Letters, 8 (6):643-651. [DOI] ...
Sexual Dimorphism in the buccal cavity of paternal mouthbrooding cardinalfishes (Pisces: Apogonidae)
Barnett, A.; Bellwood, D.R. (2005) 'Sexual Dimorphism in the buccal cavity of paternal mouthbrooding. Marine Biology, 148 (1):205-212. [DOI] ...
Depczynski, Martial; Bellwood, David R. (2005) 'Wave energy and spatial variability in community str. 303 :283-293. [DOI] ...
Konow, Nicolai; Bellwood, David R. (2005) 'Prey-capture in Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Teleostei, Po. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208 (8):1421-1433. [DOI] ...
Depczynski, Martial; Bellwood, David R. (2005) 'Shortest recorded vertebrate lifespan found in a cor. Current Biology, 15 (8):288-289. [DOI] ...
Schultz, Ortwin; Bellwood, David R. (2004) 'Trigonodon oweni and Asima jugleri are different parts o. 105 :287-305. ...
Bellwood, D.R.; Hughes, T.P.; Folke, C.; Nystrom, M. (2004) 'Confronting the coral reef crisis'. Nature, 429 (6994):827-833. [DOI] ...
Ackerman, John L.; Bellwood, David R.; Brown, James H. (2004) 'The contribution of small individuals. Oecologia, 139 (4):568-571. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; van Herwerden, Lynne; Konow, Nicolai (2004) 'Evolution and biogeography of marin. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolu, 33 (1):140-155. [DOI] ...
Fulton, C.J.; Bellwood, D.R. (2004) 'Wave exposure, swimming performance, and the structure of tropi. Marine Biology, 144 (3):429-437. [DOI] ...
Depczynski, M.; Bellwood, D.R. (2004) 'Microhabitat utilisation patterns in cryptobenthis coral reef. Marine Biology, 145 (3):455-463. [DOI] ...
Wainwright, Peter; Bellwood, David R.; Westneat, Mark W.; Grubich, Justin R.; Hoey, Andrew S. (2004)...
Bellwood, David R. (2003) 'Origins and escalation of herbivory in fishes: a functional perspective'. 29 (1):71-83. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Hoey, Andrew S.; Choat, J. Howard (2003) 'Limited functional redundancy in high . Ecology Letters, 6 (4):281-285. [DOI] ...
Hughes, T.P.; Baird, A.H.; Bellwood, D.R.; Card, M.; Connolly, S.R.; Folke, C.; Grosberg, R.; Hoegh-...
Ackerman, John L.; Bellwood, David R. (2003) 'The contribution of small individuals to density-body . Oecologia, 136 (1):137-140. [DOI] ...
Connolly, Sean R.; Bellwood, David R.; Hughes, Terence P. (2003) 'Indo-Pacific biodiversity of coral. Ecology, 84 (8):2178-2190. [DOI] ...
Fisher, Rebecca; Bellwood, David R. (2003) 'Undisturbed swimming behaviour and nocturnal activity of. 263 :177-188. [DOI] ...
Depczynski, Martial; Bellwood, David R. (2003) 'The role of cryptobenthic reef fishes in coral reef . 256 :183-191. [DOI] ...
Elliott, J.P.; Bellwood, D.R. (2003) 'Alimentary tract morphology and diet in three coral reef fish . Journal of Fish Biology, 63 (6):1598-1609. [DOI] ...
Wilson, Shaun K.; Bellwood, David R.; Choat, J. Howard; Furnas, Miles J. (2003) 'Detritus in the epi. Oceanography and , 41 :279-309. ...
Evolutionary history of the parrotfishes: biogeography, ecomorphology, and comparative diversity
Streelman, J.T.; Alfaro, M.; Westneat, M.W.; Bellwood, D.R.; Karl, S.A. (2002) 'Evolutionary history. Evolution, 56 (5):961-971. ...
Wainwright, Peter C.; Bellwood, David R.; Westneat, Mark W. (2002) 'Ecomorphology of locomotion in l. Environmental Biology of Fishe, 65 (1):47-62. [DOI] ...
Fulton, Christopher J.; Bellwood, David R. (2002) 'Patterns of foraging in labrid fishes'. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 226 :135-142. [DOI] ...
Marnane, Michael J.; Bellwood, David R. (2002) 'Diet and nocturnal foraging in cardinalfishes (Apogo. 231 :261-268. [DOI] ...
Fulton, Christopher J.; Bellwood, David R. (2002) 'Ontogenetic habitat use in labrid fishes: an ecom. 236 :255-262. [DOI] ...
The influence of swimming speed on sustained swimming performance of late-stage reef fish larvae
Fisher, R.; Bellwood, D.R. (2002) 'The influence of swimming speed on sustained swimming performance. Marine Biology, 140 (4):801-807. [DOI] ...
Ferry-Graham, L.A.; Wainwright, P.C.; Westneat, M.W.; Bellwood, D.R. (2002) 'Mechanisms of benthic p. Marine Biology, 141 (5):819-830. [ ...
Ackerman, J.L.; Bellwood, D.R. (2002) 'Comparative efficiency of clove oil and rotenone for sampling. Journal of Fish Biology, 60 (4):893-901. [DOI] ...
Fisher, R.; Bellwood, D.R. (2002) 'A light trap design for stratum-specific sampling of reef fish la. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 269 (1):27-37. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, D.R.; Wainwright, P.C. ; Fulton, C.J.; Hoey, A. (2002) 'Assembly rules and functional grou. Functional Ecology, 16 (5):557-562. [DOI] ...
Hughes, Terry P.; Bellwood, David R.; Connolly, Sean R. (2002) 'Biodiversity hotspots, centres of en. Ecology Letters, 5 (6):775-784. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Hughes, Terry P. (2001) 'Regional-scale assembly rules and biodiversity of coral. Science, 292 (5521):1532-1534. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Fisher, Rebecca (2001) 'Relative swimming speeds in reef fish larvae'. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 211 :299-303. [DOI] ...
Fulton, C.J.; Bellwood, D.R.; Wainwright, P.C. (2001) 'The relationship between swimming ability and. Marine Biology, 139 (1):25-33. [DOI] ...
Ferry-Graham, Lara A.; Wainwright, Peter C.; Hulsey, C. Darrin; Bellwood, David R. (2001) 'Evolution. Journal, 248 (...
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Ferry-Graham, Lara A.; Wainwright, Peter C.; Bellwood, David R. (2001) 'Prey capture in long-jawed b. Journal of Experimental Ma, 256 (2):167-184. [DOI] ...
Effects of feeding on the sustained swimming abilities of late-stage larval Amphiprion melanopus
Fisher, R.; Bellwood, D.R. (2001) 'Effects of feeding on the sustained swimming abilities of late-st. Coral Reefs, 20 (2):151-154. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, D.R.; Wainwright, P.C. (2001) 'Locomotion in labrid fishes: implications for habitat use a. Coral Reefs, 20 (2):139-150. [DOI] ...
Purcell, S.W.; Bellwood, D.R. (2001) 'Spatial patterns of epilithic algal and detrital resources on . Coral Reefs, 20 (2):117-125. [DOI] ...
Job, Suresh D.; Bellwood, David R. (2000) 'Light sensitivity in larval fishes: implications for vert. Limnology and Oceanography, 45 (2):362-371. [DOI] ...
Fisher, Rebecca; Bellwood, David R.; Job, Suresh (2000) 'Development of swimming abilities in reef f. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 202 :163-173. [DOI] ...
Ackerman, John L.; Bellwood, David R. (2000) 'Reef fish assemblages: a re-evaluation using enclosed . Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 206 :227-237. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Randall, John E. (2000) 'Pseudojuloides severnsi, a new species of wrasse from I. 5 (1):1-5. ...
Bellwood, David R. (1999) 'Fossil pharyngognath fishes from Monte Bolca, Italy, with a description o. 8 :207-217. ...
Streit, Robert P.; Bellwood, David R. (2023) 'Moving beyond the one true trait' 38 (11) :1014-1015. [DOI] ...
Aspiration or expiration: hypoxia and the interpretation of fish predation in the fossil record
Robertson, D Ross; Baldwin, Carole C.; Bellwood, David; Pyle, Richard; Smith-Vaniz, William; Tornabe...
Brandl, Simon J.; Morais, Renato A.; Casey, Jordan M.; Parravicini, Valeriano; Tornabene, Luke; Goat...
Tebbett, S.B.; Bellwood, D.R. (2018) 'Unusual caudal spines in the surgeonfish Zebrasoma scopas' Coral Reefs, 37 (1) :251-251. [DOI] ...
Huertas, Victor; Bellwood, David R. (2017) 'Mucus-secreting lips offer protection to suction-feeding Current Biology, 27 (11) :R406-R407. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Meyer, Christopher P. (2009) 'Endemism and evolution in the Coral Triangle: a ca Journal of Biogeography, 36 (10) :2010-2012. [DOI] ...
Bellwood, David R.; Meyer, Christopher P. (2009) 'Searching for heat in a marine biodiversity hotspo Journal of Biogeography, 36 :569-576. [DOI] ...
Hughes, T.P.; Berkes, F; Steneck, R.S.; Wilson, J.A..; Bellwood, D.R.; Crona, B; Folke, C.; Gunderso...
Baird, Andrew H,; Bellwood, David R.; Connell, Joseph H.; Cornell, Howard V.; Hughes, Terry P.; Karl...
Bellwood, David R.; Goatley, Christopher H.R.; Cowman, Peter F.; Bellwood, Orpha (2015) 'The evoluti In: Bellwoo...
Bellwood, David R.; Pratchett, Morgan S. (2014) 'The origins and diversification of coral reef butte In: Bellwood, David R., and Pratchett, Morgan S. (...
Bellwood, David R.; Renema, Willem; Rosen, Brian R. (2012) 'Biodiversity hotspots, evolution and cor In: Bellwood, David R., Renema, Willem, ...
Bellwood, David ; Hoey, Andrew (2004) 'Feeding in Mesozoic fishes: a functional perspective' In: Bellwood, David , and Hoey, Andrew (2004) Feeding in M...
Bellwood, David R.; Wainwright, Peter C. (2002) 'The history and biogeography of fishes on coral ree In: Bellwood, David R., and Wainwright, Peter C. (...
Wainwright, Peter C.; Bellwood, David R. (2002) 'Ecomorphology of feeding in coral reef fishes' In: Wainwright, Peter C., and Bellwood, David R. (...
Wainwright, Peter C.; Westneat, Mark W.; Bellwood, David R. (2000) 'Linking feeding behaviour and ja In: Wainwright, Peter C., Westne...