Emma McBryde
- emma.mcbryde@jcu.edu.au
- Adjunct Professor
Contact Details
- 0413058040
- emma.mcbryde@jcu.edu.au
Building 48,
James Cook Drive
Douglas, Townsville
I have diverse cross-disciplinary
skills, as an infectious diseases physician (FRACP) and mathematical modeler (PhD -QUT), epidemiologist,
and biostatistician (MBios Uni Melb). Since 2003, I have worked on interleaving clinical
research with mathematical modeling and simulation of infectious diseases
transmission. In this time, I have developed the ability to communicate and
collaborate across the disciplines of mathematics, biostatistics, epidemiology,
public health and clinical infectious diseases.
My research focus encompasses a broad range of methods – Bayesian Inference, statistical models, compartmental models, stochastic models, social network analysis, forecasting methods- and a broad interest in emerging pathogens –tuberculosis, influenza and hospital associated pathogens and emerging infectious diseases including SARS, Ebola and COVID-19. I have led research teams to complete international consultancies (modeling of tuberculosis control in our region) and international research collaborations (in the area of tuberculosis, healthcare associated infections SARS and Ebola and COVID-19).
I am currently the Professor of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology at the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, JCU and lead physician for the TB control unit at the Torres Strait and Cape York Health Service. My collaborators across Australia include Centres for Research excellence in modelling for public health decision support and in tuberculosis. and I work with researchers in major national (Monash University, Australian National University, Curtin University and the Doherty Institute, UWA, UQ) and international universities (Imperial College, LSHTM, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Mahidol).
She leads a team of highly skilled mathematicians and biostatisticians, epidemiologists. COVID-19 work to date includes providing modelling and advice for: the commonwealth Government, Victorian State Government, OzSage Indigenous working group, and leading the AUS-CMI Australian Covid-19 modelling initiative group, the Global Fund against Malaria TB and AIDS, and the World Health Organization in conjunction with countries in the Asia Pacific Regions.
My major methodlogical areas of research in active development are (1) forecasting (2) scenario analysis for decision support (3) data analysis including Bayesian inference and machine learning.