Combating antibiotic-resistant infections using a health system approach (Old ID 23169)

QLD Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation

Principal Investigator


The march of antibiotic resistance across the globe is leading to what many are calling the “post-antibiotic era”. This puts a massive, preventable burden both on patients and Queensland’s health system, costing millions of dollars each year. North Queensland is geographically vulnerable to emerging infectious diseases, located at the tropical Indo- Pacific gateway, with the highest rates of resistant tuberculosis, and incursions of dengue virus, for example. This project will generate an evidence base for cost and risks of infectious diseases in North Queensland; by linking several health system datasets, to synthesise prospective and retrospective cohorts. Professorial and Infectious Diseases Units at TTH are co-investigators of the project investing personnel to perform the research. Further, TTH infection control and executive policy-makers are the target end-user for translation of the research.


03 Jul 2017 - 02 Jul 2020

Project Type



Antibiotic resistance;Health systems;Decision support;Health economics;Mathematical models;Operations research

Funding Body

QLD Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation



Project Team