Finally new tools are available to combat drug resistant tuberculosis, but how do we make them work? Models to determine effective implementation strategies in Australia and our region (Old ID 27632)
Principal Investigator
Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) is a growing concern which may make TB elimination impossible if not addressed head-on. Strategies to control MDR are available or in trial including: • MDR diagnostics • MDR directed treatment • New vaccines However, the best way to operationalise these new tools in different settings to maximise impact remains uncertain. Mathematical modelling, data analysis and health economics can play a role in assisting the fight to eliminate TB by providing insights into best deployment of TB strategies depending on the setting. My work is to combine best evidence with country context (health system,TB burden and costs, to simulate TB epidemiology and test possible interventions and their impact "in silico". This project will undertake 3 streams of activity Stream 1 Control of MDR TB in high burden settings: I will develop models to assess how new tools can best be used to impact on the MDR TB epidemic in high incidence regions. This will consider the new short course regimens for active MDR TB and the value of levofloxacin to treat latent TB, as well as emerging therapeutics and vaccines. Stream 2. Optimal drug combinations for MDR treatment: I will develop pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic models to investigate whether low, high or adaptive dosing of levofloxacin leads to the best outcome in treating MDR TB. Stream 3. How can new tools for MDR best be deployed in Australia? This work will address the large pool of latently infected people in Australia, and large proportion of TB arising from immigration, including those with latent MDR TB. Through two Centres for Research Excellence, I will collaborate with Australia's leading tuberculosis clinical trialists, policy makers, health systems experts, clinicians and pharmacologists to analyse the data arising from recent and current clinical trials, particularly relating to the use of drugs to tackle MDR TB.
01 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2026
Project Type
Tuberculosis;Modelling;Statistic;Applied Mathematics;Simulation;Public Health
Funding Body
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Project Team