Maxine Newlands
- Adjunct Principal Research Fellow
Maxine is a highly experienced political scientist and policy analyst with over a decade of expertise in environmental policy, focusing on ocean governance and the Great Barrier Reef. As a leader in environmental advocacy, Maxine has made significant contributions to the field of ocean governance and the blue humanities and has demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and public engagement.
Coggan, A.; Jarvis, D.; De Valck, J.; Pert, P.; Schirru, E.; Graham, V.; Newlands, M. (2023) Literat. Brisba...
Hein, Margaux; Staub, francis; Banaszack, Anastazia; Dallison, Thomas; Deri, Wilfrid; Grimsditch, Ga...
Dyer, M.; Newlands, M.; Bradshaw, E.; Hernandez, S. (2021) Stewardship for the Great Barrier Reef: a. Townsville, QLD, Australia: ...
Newlands, M.; Mahony, T.; Bohensky, E.; Lubicz, C. (2021) Understanding the Influence of Media Narra. Townsville, QLD, Australia: ...
McLeod, I. M.; Newlands, M.; Hein, M.; Boström-Einarsson, L.; Banaszak, A.; Grimsditch, G.; Mohammed...
Bohensky, Erin; Curnock, Matt; Gillet, Sarah; Goldberg, Jeremy; Gooch, Margaret; Lankester, Ally; Ma...
Newlands, Maxine (2012) Green Britannia: deconstructing 'Team Green Britain' and the London 2012 Oly. Illinois, USA: [Non-Research Book Chapter] ...
Lubicz-Zaorski, Carly; Newlands, Maxine; Petray, Theresa (2024) 'Fuelling the climate and science ‘d. Public Understanding of Science, 33 (3):270-289. [DOI] ...
De Valck, Jeremy; Jarvis, Diane; Coggan, Anthea; Schirru, Ella; Pert, Petina; Graham, Victoria; Newl...
Sheaves, M.; Waltham, N.J.; Benham, C.; Bradley, M.; Mattone, C.; Diedrich, A.; Sheaves, J.; Sheaves...
Gibbs, Mark T.; Gibbs, Bridget L.; Newlands, Maxine; Ivey, Jordan (2021) 'Scaling up the global reef. PLoS ONE, 16 (5). [DOI] ...
Training political reporters during a federal election: The UniPollWatch student journalism project
Dodd, Andrew; English, Peter; Lidberg, Johan; Newlands, Maxine (2021) 'Training political reporters . Journal of University Teach, 18 (4). ...
Anthony, Kenneth R. N.; Helmstedt, Kate J.; Bay, Line K.; Fidelman, Pedro; Hussey, Karen E.; Lundgre...
Ceccarelli, Daniela M.; McLeod, Ian M.; Boström-Einarsson, Lisa; Bryan, Scott E.; Chartrand, Kathryn...
Fidelman, Pedro; McGrath, Chris; Newlands, Maxine; Jago, Belinda; Dodds, Kirstin; Hussey, Karen (201...
Lloyd, Rohan; Newlands, Maxine; Petray, Theresa (2017) 'Coral Battleground? Re-examining the 'Save t. Environmental Sociology, 3 (1):54-63. [DOI] ...
Larri, Larraine J.; Newlands, Maxine (2017) 'Knitting Nannas and Frackman: a gender analysis of Aust. Journal of Environmental Education, 48 (1):35-45. [DOI] ...
M'Balla-Ndi, Marie; Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'Talanoa and Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action: . Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 15 (2):68-81. ...
Lankester, Ally J.; Bohensky, Erin; Newlands, Maxine (2015) 'Media representations of risk: the repo. Marine Policy, 60 :149-161. [DOI] ...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'From hyperlink to ink: media tactics and protest strategies of the UK radic. V :45-51. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'Green Britannia: deconstructing 'Team Green Britain' and the London 2012 Ol. International Journal of Sport and Society, 1 (3):185-194. ...
Gibbs, Mark T.; Newlands, Maxine (2022) 'Restoration heralds' new management challenges for coral re Marine Policy, 136 . [DOI] ...
McLeod, Ian; Newlands, Maxine (2020) 'Coral restoration in a warming world' The Marine Biologist, 14 (April) :26-29. ...
Burrows, Damien; Purandare, Jemma; Bay, Line; Cook, Nathan; Koopman, Danielle; Long, Suzanne; Lundgr...
Newlands, Maxine (2017) 'Australian Government and UNESCO are oceans apart on climate change and the The Ecologist, 12th June 2017 . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2017) 'Ecologist special report: the world's leading coral reef scientist says onl The Ecologist, 17th March 2017 . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'Australian climate sceptics challenge clean energy plan' The Ecologist, 28 July 2017 . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'Nannalution gathers pace: Australia's knitting nannas activists and the ant Resurgence & Ecologist, . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'The Great Barrier Reef's future is as uncertain as the Australian Prime Min The Ecologist, 13 July 2016 :1-1. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2015) 'Book review of Explorations in Media Ecology, Vol. 13, No. 1 edited by Paul Media International Australia, 155 :162-162. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2015) 'Book review of Heidegger and the Media by David Gunkel and Paul Taylor. Th Media International Australia, 154 :149-150. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2015) 'Pacific Islands heading for 100% renewable energy' The Ecologist, 28 May 2015 . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2014) 'Great Barrier Reef coal port challenged' The Ecologist, 6 May 2014 . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2014) 'Are universities turning into giant newsrooms?' The Conversation, 11 February 2014 . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Bottoms up! 'Head in sand salute' is the new climate protest' The Ecologist, 10 December 2013 . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Emissions trading schemes are fraught territory: is Rudd ready?' The Conversation, 14 July 2013 . ...
Conservationist Bob Irwin joins battle to save the Great Barrier Reef from mega-port development
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Conservationist Bob Irwin joins battle to save the Great Barrier Reef from The Ecologist, :1-1. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'New Australian Prime Ministers' anti-environmental agenda' The Ecologist, 20 September 2013 :1-1. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'What haunts the Captain of the Rainbow Warrior?' The Ecologist, :1-1. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'We will save the reef: Great Barrier Reef at risk from fossil fuel extracti The Ecologist, :1-1. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'New media and political participation: searching for the passion in protest New Media and Society, 15 (8) :1393-1398. [DOI] ...
Contesting capital in neoliberal times: innovation, resilience and conformity in the Occupy movement
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Contesting capital in neoliberal times: innovation, resilience and conformi Resilience, 1 (1) :76-81. [DOI] ...
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'One of the world's oldest tribes halts dam construction' The Ecologist, 6 November 2012 :1-1. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'Australian eco-protest camp destroyed in arson attack' The Ecologist, 8 October 2012 :1-1. ...
Newlands, Maxine (2010) 'It may not wash off: unforeseen liabilities of claiming the 'greenest games Rising East, 2 (1) . ...
Newlands, Maxine (2010) 'Come together: professional practice and radical protest' Proof 2010: Journalists Defending Journalism, 2 (2) :1-5. ...
Newlands, Maxine; Brennan, Claire; Hodgson, Patrick; Moran, Viv; Roebuck, Ann; M'Balla-Ndi, Marie (2...
Newlands, Maxine (2020) 'Environmental journalism in Australia and New Zealand' In: Newlands, Maxine (2020) Environmental journalism in Australia and New ...
Newlands, Maxine (2020) 'Environmental journalism in the Asia and Pacific region' In: Newlands, Maxine (2020) Environmental journalism in the Asia and Pacif...
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Reclaiming the media: technology, tactics and subversion' In: Newlands, Maxine (2013) Reclaiming the media: technology, tactics and ...
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'Carbon trading in the city of undoing' In: Newlands, Maxine (2012) Carbon trading in the city of undoing. In: P...
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'Debunking disability: media discourse and the Paralympic Games' In: Newlands, Maxine (2012) Debunking disability: media discourse and the ...
Newlands, Maxine (2018) Environmental activism and the media: the politics of protest. New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang. ...