







I received my PhD from the University of Wales Aberystwyth (UK) in 2008 and immediately joined the JCU Vascular Biology Unit as a junior post-doctoral scientist. I was appointed to the position of Senior Scientist (Academic B) within the Vascular Biology Unit in 2011. I secured a competitive Advance Queensland Fellowship in 2017, coinciding with my promotion to Senior Research Fellow (Academic C). I was the interim honours program coordinator for the College of Medicine and Dentistry (2018) and was invited to my current position of Associate Dean Research for the College of Medicine and Dentistry in 2019. I provide strategic leadership at the College, Division and University level, whilst maintaining a highly active research portfolio.


My research focuses on Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), a common, but neglected condition involving blockage, or weakening of the arteries outside the heart, which affects up to one quarter of older adults. PAD can manifest in a number of ways depending on the location of the disease. For example, blockages in the lower limb arteries can significantly impair walking performance and may lead to amputation. Similarly, blockages in the arteries supplying the brain significantly increase the risk of experiencing stroke. I work with teams of medical doctors and scientists to improve our understanding of PAD biology and improve patient care by:

  • Using molecular and bioinformatic approaches to identify markers associated with stroke diagnosis and outcome.
  • Identifying novel blood-based markers to diagnose, or predict risk of suffering PAD-associated events (e.g. heart attack, or requirement for surgery).
  • Testing novel medications and lifestyle interventions for PAD - most recently through the delivery of randomised controlled trials as lead analyst;
  • Identifying barriers to care in underserved populations, particularly for those in regional areas.

My work is supported by funding from a range of bodies including the QLD Government, the NHRMC, MRFF, the Emergency Medical Foundation and Philanthropic donations.

Student Supervision:

Student supervision is one of the aspects of my job that I most enjoy and I have been privileged to work with some talented students since joining JCU. To date, I have supervised 7 PhD students, one MSc student and 8 honours students to successful completion, and was awarded the JCU 'Advisory Panel Member of the Year Award' in 2022.

I currently co-supervise 2 PhD students, and am always happy to hear from any research curious candidates at any level. Students with aligning interests are encouraged to contact me with a copy of their CV and a brief outline of their research aspirations.

Other Academic Activities:

Scientific committees

  • Director/Executive Committee member for the Australian Atherosclerosis Society (2022-present);
  • Member of the Medical Deans of Australia and New Zealand Research Commitee (2022-present).

Editorial board memberships:

  • Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (2022-present);
  • BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2018-present - currently co-editing a Special Collection 'Cerebrovascular Disorders')
  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2013-2020 - co-edited a Special Issue 'Advances in Peripheral Artery Disease').


I peer-review grant submissions for bodies including Diabetes Australia, the Emergency Medical Foundation and the NHMRC. I am regularly invited to peer review submitted articles for a range of journals.