Bruce Gummow
- Professor
Professor Bruce Gummow is a registered specialist in Veterinary Preventative Medicine (Epidemiology) and a Diplomat of the European College of Veterinary Public Health with European certification as a specialist in population medicine. He is also recognised as a Fellow of the Australasian College of Tropical Medicine (ACTM) due to his interest in One Health and zoonotic diseases. He is currently Associate Head of Research and Postgraduate training in the Dicipline of Veterinary Sceince and is head of the section of Veterinary Preventative Medicine at James Cook University.
He holds a dual appointment with the University of Pretoria in South Africa where he is an Extraordinary Professor and has taught for many years at their Faculty of Veterinary Science. He is recognised as a leading scientist in South Africa by the National Research Foundation and is one of their top rated scientists. He is also a registered specialist with the South African Veterinary Council and Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
In addition, he chairs the reseach and postgraduate committee in the Discipline of Veterinary Science, College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences and is their Academic Advisor for Veterinary Postgraduate Studies. He also serves on several other JCU committees and is a senior staff member at JCU and a member of the Veterinary Science Executive management team.
- 121 refereed research papers in quality non-predatory research Journals
- 4 books/book chapters
- 36 posters
- 6 non-referred scientific papers
- 114 presentations at local and international conferences
- 26 invited lectures or congress presentations
- 22 major contract reports for industry
- 27 contining education interactive workshops / courses
- 5 television interviews
- 46 completed dissertations or thesis as supervisor/co-supervisor