





Contact Details

Research Officer


    Dr Sarah McDonald is a Research Officer with the Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Research (TropWATER) at James Cook University in Townsville and published research scientist in aquatic ecotoxicology. Her work in this role primarily focuses on evaluating environmental water quality issues associated with mining and other industrial activities as part of applied commercial projects. She also undertakes fundamental research in aquatic ecotoxicology and helps to maintain laboratory cultures of tropical test species.

    Sarah's general research interests cover the multidisciplinary field of ecotoxicology, including environmental chemistry, freshwater ecology and biological statistics. Her field of special interest is water and sediment quality assessment, focusing on the quantification of the form (speciation), behaviour (bioavailability) and ecotoxicological impact (bioaccumulation) of chemical contaminants and stressors. Key outcomes of her work include the development of suitable ecological monitoring tools to measure and mitigate these impacts.

    In addition to her role at TropWATER and JCU, Sarah is heavily involved with the Australasian chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC AU) in her role as Communications Officer. In 2023, she co-chaired the biannual SETAC AU conference and attended the Science and Technology Australia Science meets Parliament event as a SETAC AU ambassador.

    Currently, Sarah is working alongside colleagues and industry end-users to develop a relevant and robust water quality framework for mineralised ecosystems in Northern Australia.


    Research Interests

    Environmental chemistry; Freshwater ecology; Tropical ecotoxicology; Aquatic macroinvertebrates; Water and sediment quality; Mine site impatcs; Temporary and ephemeral systems; Metals and metalloids; Bioaccumulation kinetics

    Research Collaborators and Partners
    Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment


    Other Activities


    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2024) Glencore Lady Loretta Mine Receiving Environment Mo. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Williams, C.; Ballantyne, S.; McDonald, S.; Templeman, S. (2024) Ravenswood Gold Receiving Environme. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Repo...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2024) Mt Leyshon Mine Receiving Environment Monitoring Pr. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2023) Glencore Lady Loretta Mine Receiving Environment Mo. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2023) Mt Leyshon Mine Receiving Environment Monitoring Pr. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Williams, C.; Templeman, S.; McDonald, S. (2023) Glencore Lady Loretta Mine EPML00982013, Assessment. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2022) Glencore Lady Loretta Mine Receiving Environment Mo. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2022) Glencore Lady Loretta Mine Receiving Environment Mo. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2022) Mt Leyshon Mine Receiving Environment Monitoring Pr. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, S.; Williams, C.; Templeman, S. (2022) Mt Leyshon Mine Receiving Environment Monitoring Pr. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Templeman, S.; McDonald, S.; Elliman, M. (2022) Golf Links Drive Upper Lakes Water Quality Improveme. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Report] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Sarah McDonald (2022) Pulsed streamflow in temporary waters: Impacts on macroinvertebrate community . ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, Sarah Isobel Mary (2021) Metal contaminants in urban stormwater runoff: composition, biolo. [Thesis] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, Sarah; Holland, Aleicia; Simpson, Stuart L.; Gadd, Jennifer B.; Bennett, William W.; Walke...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, Sarah; Cresswell, Tom; Hassell, Kathryn; Keough, Michael (2022) 'Experimental design and s. Critical Reviews in Env, 52 (15):2772-2801. [ ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, Sarah; Hassell, Kathryn; Cresswell, Tom (2021) 'Effect of short-term dietary exposure on m. Science of the Total Environment, 772 . [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, Sarah; Cresswell, Tom; Hassell, Kathryn (2020) 'Bioaccumulation kinetics of cadmium and zi. Science of the Total Environment, 720 . [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, Sarah (2022) 'Water quality guidelines for metal contaminants in stormwater runoff: insigh Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 41 (1) :19-20. [DOI] ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    McDonald, Sarah (2023) SETAC-AU 2023: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Australasia ...
    Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU