





Contact Details


Dr. Stephanie Topp has a background in global public health, political and social sciences. She is Professor of Global Health and Development in Discipline of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at James Cook University, and Honorary Principal Research Fellow at the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne. Dr.Topp’s academic training reflects transdisciplinary interests spanning global health (PhD, University of Melbourne, 2014), development studies (MPhil, Oxford University, 2006) public health (MIPH, University of Sydney, 2004) and modern history (BA(Hons), University of Sydney, 2002). Prior to joining JCU, she spent eight years living and working in Zambia, initially in public health policy and planning role with an international non-government organisation and subsequently as a research fellow. Dr. Topp joined JCU in 2015 as Senior Lecturer and was promoted to Professor on 1 January 2024.

Dr. Topp’s research addresses political and power struggles that underpin inequitable access to health care and health outcomes. As a global public health, policy and systems researcher and current NHMRC fellow, she draws on theories and methodologies from the social sciences to identify the system-strengthening potential of adjustments to public health policy, governance and health workforce management (particularly in low-resource, remote and correctional settings) as well as the links between cultural health and wellbeing. Dr. Topp’s research has been widely cited in national and international policy, technical guidance and evidence synthesis reports from the World Health Organization, European Union, USAID, and governments in Australia and Finland. Over the past five years Dr. Topp been chief investigator for competitive grants totalling $3.8 million including NHMRC, MRFF, CRC-NA and Canada's CIHR. Also in the past five years, she has published 70 (career total 117) scholarly articles in field-leading journals including Lancet Global Health, BMJ Global Health and Social Science and Medicine, and presented at national and international conferences. Her success in communicating her research was recognised with a QLD Young Tall Poppy Award in 2019.

Dr. Topp has an exemplary teaching record having received Dean’s Awards for Teaching (2020) and Subject Excellence (2020) and a prestigious national Teaching Excellence Award from the Council of Academic Public Health Institutions of Australasia in 2022. This award was one of only three annual awards commending high quality teaching and learning initiatives and inspirational influence in the field of public health. At JCU Dr. Topp serves as co-course coordinator for the recently established Masters of Public Health – Masters of Development Studies, and from 2019-2023 was Post Graduate Academic Advisor for a suite of 10 public health course offerings. Instrumental to her success in leading course and subject design is a national and international reputation for scholarship in teaching. She has written chapters in a range of influential texts including the WHO-published Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health; Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine; and The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. She has guided and mentored four PhDs to timely completion, with a further five under supervision. Her leadership in mentoring and building research capacity was recognized as a featured guest on the WHO TDR's popular Global Health Matters Podcast in November 2022 discussing "Global Health Career Paths: Learn, Mentor, Practice, Repeat", an episode downloaded more than 2700 times on podcast platforms and YouTube.

Dr. Topp’s international reputation is demonstrated in senior leadership roles including as a member of the Board of Directors for Health Systems Global (2020-2024); and appointed Chair of the Programme Working Group for the 8th Global Symposium for Health Systems Research to be held in Nagasaki in 2024. She is on the Editorial Board of academic journals BMJ Global Health and Social Science & Medicine: Health Systems, and regularly serves as expert reviewer for national and international grant agencies including NHMRC, South Africa’s Medical Research Council (MRC), Wellcome Trust, and UK National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR).

ENGAGEMENT (Media, Blogs, Webinars)




Teaching Interests

Course Coordinator: Masters Public Health - Masters Global Development, MPH-MGD (2022-ongoing)

Post Graduate Academic Advisor: Public Health and Tropical Medicine (2019-ongoing)

Research Advisor Accreditation
Advisor Type


Research Advisor Accreditation

Chair; Independent Academic

Taught Modules
Current JCU Research Students
The political economy of non-communicable diseases in Melanesia: Case study analysis of sugar sweetened beverage taxes in Vanuatu & Fiji
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Strengthening community empowerment approaches to Aedes species mosquito management in a high-income country setting: comparative case studies within Queensland, Australia.
Doctorate by Research - time-based
An Investigation on the Impacts of Social Exclusion on the Health and Well-being of Niger Delta Communities in Nigeria
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Evaluating the impact of hospital pharmacists on a health equity agenda in a regional Australian setting - more than just the medicines.
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Completed JCU Research Students
Senior manager leadership competencies to promote and protect Australian residential aged care quality of care
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2022
The role of Academic Health Centres in improving population health: a multiple-case study in Australia and England;;
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2021
Gender equity in health services and the economics of childbearing
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2021
Measuring performance in mental health care with a focus on vulnerable groups in Australia
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2019




Topp, Stephanie (2024) Critiquing the concept of health systems resilience. Cheltenham, UK: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
El-Sadr, Wafaa M.; Harripersaud, Katherine; Lahuerta, Maria; Taro, Trisa; Baptiste, Solange; Mosime,...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M. (2022) COVID-19 and global health systems. Abingdon, UK: [DOI] ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M. (2017) Health worker performance, practice and improvement. Geneva, Switzerland: [Reference Material] ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Edelman, A.; Allen, T.; Devine, S.; Horwood, P.F.; McBryde, E.S.; Mudd, J.; Warner, J.; Topp, S.M. (...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Elliott, Lana M.; Waqa, Gade D.; Dalglish, Sarah L.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2023) 'A sweet deal for dom. BMJ Global Health, 8 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Beres, Laura K.; Mwamba, Chanda; Bolton-Moore, Carolyn; Kennedy, Caitlin E.; Simbeza, Sandra; Topp, ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Bennett, Elizabeth; Topp, Stephanie M.; Moodie, Alan Rob (2023) 'National Public Health Surveillance. International Journal of Health P, 12 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Helene J.; Herce, Michael E.; Mwila, Chilambwe; Chisenga, Peter; Yenga, Chisenga; Chibwe, Bes...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Cummins, Rachel; Preston, Robyn; Topp, Stephanie M.; Taylor, Judy; Larkins, Sarah; Callander, Emily;...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Thompson, Fintan; Johnston, Karen; Smith, Deborah; Edelman, Alexandra; Whittaker...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Allen, Tammy; Crouch, Alan; Russell, Tanya L.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2023) 'Factors influencing the co. BMC Public Health, 23 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Rajan, Rachana; Topp, Steph (2022) 'Accountability mechanisms of inquiries and investigations into A. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46 (4):488-494. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Dawes, Nathan; Topp, Steph (2022) 'A qualitative study of senior management perspectives on the lead. BMC Health Services Research, 22 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Edelman, Alexandra; Taylor, Judy; Ovseiko, Pavel V.; Larkins, Sarah; Topp, Stephanie M. (2022) 'The . He, ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Bolton Moore, Carolyn; Pry, Jake M.; Mukumbwawenechanya, Mpande; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Topp, Stephan...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Dawes, Nathan; Topp, Stephanie M. (2022) 'Challenges to managing quality of care in northern Queensl. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 6 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Nkem, Augusta C.; Topp, Stephanie M.; Devine, Sue; Li, Wendy Wen; Ogaji, Daprim Samuel (2022) 'The i. Fro, 1...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Dawes, Nathan; Topp, Steph (2022) 'Senior manager leadership competencies for quality residential ag. BMC Health Services Research, 22 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Schaaf, Marta; Boydell, Vicky; Topp, Steph; Iyer, Aditi; Sen, Gita; Askew, Ian (2022) 'A summative c. BMJ Global , 7 :1-15. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Steph; Tully, Josslyn; Cummins, Rachel; Graham, Veronica; Yashadhana, Aryati; Elliott, Lana; T...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Steph; Tully, Josslyn; Cummins, Rachel; Graham, Veronica; Yashadhana, Aryiati; Elliott, Lana; ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Mwamba, Chanda; Beres, Laura; Topp, Stephanie M.; Mukamba, Njekwa; Simbeza, Sandra; Sikombe, Kombate...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Mirzoev, Tolib; Topp, Stephanie M.; Afifi, Rima A.; Fadlallah, Racha; Obi, Felix Abrahams; Gilson, L...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Herce, Michael E.; Chagomerana, Maganizo B.; Zalla, Lauren C.; Carbone, Nicole B.; Chi, Benjamin H.;...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Dawes, Nathan; Topp, Stephanie (2021) 'Senior management characteristics that influence care quality. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14 (3):731-743. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Schaaf, Marta; Sriram, Veena; Scott, Kerry; Daglish, Sarah; Nelson, Erica; Rajas...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Beres, Laura; Schwartz, Sheree; Simbeza, Sandra; McGready, John; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Mwamba, Chand...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Fox, Haylee; Callander, Emily; Lindsay, Daniel; Topp, Stephanie M. (2021) 'Is there unwarranted vari. Australian Health Revie, 45 :157-166. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Fox, Haylee; Topp, Stephanie M.; Lindsay, Daniel; Callander, Emily (2021) 'A cascade of intervention. Birth, 48 (2):209-220. [DOI ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Corscadden, Lisa; Callander, Emily J.; Topp, Stephanie M.; Watson, Diane E. (2021) 'Disparities in e. Australasian E, 24 (1):11-19...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Allen, Tammy; Crouch, Alan; Topp, Stephanie M. (2021) 'Community participation and empowerment appro. Health Promotion International, 36 (2):505-523. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Fox, Haylee; Topp, Stephanie M.; Lindsay, Daniel; Callander, Emily (2021) 'Ethnic, socio-economic an. International Journal o, 36 (6):2182-2198. [D ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Edelman, Alexandra; Marten, Robert; Montenegro, Hernán; Sheikh, Kabir; Barkley, Shannon; Ghaffar, Ab...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Tully, Josslyn; Cummins, Rachel; Graham, Veronica; Yashadhana, Aryitati; Elliott...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Mukamba, Njekwa; Beres, Laura K.; Mwamba, Chanda; Law, Jeanna Wallenta; Topp, Stephanie M.; Simbeza,...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Callander, Emily J.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2020) 'Health inequality in the tropics and its costs: a Su. International Health, 12 (5):395-410. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Callander, Emily J.; Topp, Stephanie; Fox, Haylee; Corscadden, Lisa (2020) 'Out-of-pocket expenditur. Birth, 47 (1):49-56. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Schaaf, Marta; Warthin, Caitlin; Freedman, Lynne; Topp, Stephanie M. (2020) 'The community health wo. BMJ Global Health, 5 (6). [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Corscadden, L.; Callander, E.J.; Topp, S.M.; Watson, D.E. (2020) 'Experiences of maternity care in N. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Carbone, Nicole; Tseka, Jennifer; Kamtsendero, Linda; Banda, Godfrey; Herce, Mic...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Edelman, Alexandra; Grundy, John; Larkins, Sarah; Topp, Stephanie M.; Atkinson, David; Patel, Bhavin...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Helene J; Topp, Stephanie M.; Hoffmann, Christopher J.; Ndlovu, Thulani; Charalambous, Salome...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Herce, Michael E.; Hoffmann, Christopher J.; Fielding, Katherine; Topp, Stephanie M.; Hausler, Harry...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Roy, Monica; Bolton-Moore, Carolyn; Sikazwe, Izukanji; Mukumbwa-Mwenechanya, Mpande; Efronson, Emili...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Elliott, Lana M.; Daglish, Sarah L.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2020) 'Health taxes on tobacco, alcohol, fo. International Journal of Health Po, . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Edelman, Alexandra; Taylor, Judy; Ovseiko, Pavel V.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2019) ''Academic' is a dirt. International Jour, 34 (1):e661-e678...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Fox, Haylee; Topp, Stephanie M.; Callander, Emily; Lindsay, Daniel (2019) 'A review of the impact of. BMC Public Health, 19 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Mukumbwa-Mwenechana, Mpande; Kim, Hae-Young; Zannolini, Arianna; Mwamba, Chand...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Palagyi, Anna; Marais, Ben J.; Abimbola, Seye; Topp, Stephanie M.; McBryde, Emma S.; Negin, Joel (20...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Corscadden, L.; Callander, E.J.; Topp, S.M. (2019) 'Disparities in access to health care in Australi. Australian Health Review, 43 (6):619-627. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Chetty-Makkan, Candice; Smith, Helene J.; Chimoyi, Lucy; Hoffmann, Christopher J...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Callander, Emily; Bates, Nicole; Lindsay, Daniel; Larkins, Sarah; Preston, Robyn; Topp, Stephanie M....
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Fox, Haylee; Callander, Emily; Lindsay, Daniel; Topp, Steph (2019) 'Evidence of overuse? Patterns of. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Schaaf, Marta; Topp, Steph (2019) 'A critical interpretive synthesis of informal payments in materna. Health Policy and Planning, 34 (3):216-229. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Callander, Emily; Bates, Nicole; Lindsay, Daniel; Larkins, Sarah; Topp, Stephanie M.; Cunningham, Jo...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Corscadden, Lisa; Callander, Emily J.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2019) 'Who experiences unmet need for men. International Journal of Health , 34 (2):761-772. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Mwamba, Chanda; Sharma, Anjali; Mukamba, Njekwa; Beres, Laura; Geng, Elvin; Holmes, Charles B.; Sika...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Corscadden, Lisa; Callander, Emily J.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2018) 'International comparisons of dispa. International Journal of Health , 33 (4):967-995. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Rabkin, Miriam; de Pinho, Helen; Michaels-Strasser, Susan; Naitore, Doris; Rawat, Anjali; Topp, Step...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Edelman, Alexandra; Taylor, Judy; Ovseiko, Pavel V.; Topp, Stephanie M. (2018) 'The role of academic. Journal Of Health , 32 (2):279-297. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Mwamba, Chanda; Sharma, Anjali; Mukamba, Njekwa; Beres, Laura K.; Geng, Elvin; H...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Steph; Sharma, Anjali; Chileshe, Chisela; Magwende, George; Henostroza, German; Moonga, Clemen...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Zanolini, Ariana; Sikombe, Kombatende; Sikazwe, Izukanji; Ishun-Wilson, Ingrid; Somwe, Paul; Bolton ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Herce, Michael E.; Muyoyeta, Monde; Topp, Stephanie M.; Henostroza, German; Reid, Stewart E. (2018) ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Edelman, Alexandra; Taylor, Sean (2018) 'We are everything to everyone: a system. International Journal for Equity in H, 17 (67). ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Steph; Sharma, Anjali; Moonga, Clement N.; Chileshe, Chisela; Magwende, George; Henostroza, Ge...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Sriram, Veena; Topp, Stephanie M.; Schaaf, Marta; Mishra, Arima; Flores, Walter; Rajasulochana, Subr...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Abimbola, Seye; Joshi, Rohina; Negin, Joel (2018) 'How to assess and prepare hea. Health Policy and Planning, 33 (2):298-312. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Hatwiinda, S.; Topp, S.M.; Siyambango, M.; Harris, J.B.; Maggard, K.R.; Chileshe, C.; Kapata, N.; Re...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Schaaf, Marta; Topp, Stephanie M.; Ngulube, Moses (2017) 'From favours to entitlements: community vo. Health Policy and Planning, 32 (6):847-859. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Moonga, Clement N.; Luo, Nkandu; Kaingu, Michael; Chileshe, Chisela; Magwende, G...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Mwanza, Moses; Zulu, Japhet; Topp, Stephanie M.; Musonda, Patrick; Mutale, Wilbroad; Chilengi, Roma ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Chipukuma, Julien M. (2016) 'A qualitative study of the role of workplace and in. Health Policy and Planning, 31 (2):192-204. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Telisinghe, Lilanganee; Charalambous, Salome; Topp, Stephanie M.; Herce, Michael E.; Hoffmann, Chris...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Chipukuma, Julien (2016) 'How did rapid scale-up of HIV services impact on workp. BMJ Global Health, 1 (4):1-13. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Moonga, Clement N.; Luo, Nkandu; Kaingu, Michael; Chileshe, Chisela; Magwende, G...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Moonga, Clement N.; Mudenda, Constance; Luo, Nkandu; Kaingu, Michael; Chileshe, ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Black, Jim; Morrow, Martha; Chipukuma, Julien M.; Van Damme, Wim (2015) 'The imp. BMC H, 15 ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Price, Jessica E.; Nanyangwe-Moyo, Tina; Mulenga, Drosin M.; Dennis, Mardieh L.;...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Maggard, Katie R.; Hatwiinda, Sisa; Harris, Jennifer B.; Phiri, Winifreda; Krüüner, Annika; Kaunda, ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Chipukuma, Julien M.; Hanefeld, Johanna (2015) 'Understanding the dynamic intera. Health Policy and Planning, 30 (4):485-499. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Price, Jessica E.; Phiri, Lyson; Mulenga, Drosin; Hewett, Paul C.; Topp, Stephanie M.; Shiliya, Nich...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Chipukuma, Julien M.; Chiko, Matimba M.; Matongo, Evelyn; Bolton-Moore, Carolyn;...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Henostroza, German; Topp, Stephanie; Hatwiinda, Sisa; Maggard, Katie R.; Phiri, Winifreda; Harris, J...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Turnbull, Eleanor R.; Kancheya, Nzali G.; Harris, Jennifer B.; Topp, Stephanie M.; Henostroza, Germa...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Reid, Stewart E.; Topp, Stephanie M.; Turnbull, Eleanor R.; Hatwiinda, Sisa; Harris, Jennifer B.; Ma...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Born, Lonny J.; Wamulume, Chibesa; Neroda, Kim A.; Quiterio, Nicole; Giganti, Mark J.; Morris, Mary;...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Deo, Sarang; Topp, Stephanie M.; Westfall, Andrew O.; Chiko, Matimbo M.; Wamulume, Chibesa S.; Morri...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Deo, Sarang; Topp, Stephanie M.; Garcia, Ariel; Soldner, Mallory; Yagci Sokat, Kezban; Chipukuma, Ju...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Chipukuma, Julien M.; Chiko, Matimba M.; Wamulume, Chibesa S.; Bolton-Moore, Car...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Chipukuma, Julien M.; Giganti, Mark; Mwango, Linah K.; Chiko, Like M.; Tambatamb...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Witter, Sophie; Thomas, Steve; Topp, Stephanie; Barasa, Edwine; Chopra, Mickey; Cobos, Daniel; Blanc...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Dalglish, Sarah; Sanuade, Olutobi A.; Topp, Stephanie (2023) 'Medical Dominance in Global Health Ins International Journal of Health Polic, 12 (1) :1-3. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Fox, Haylee; Topp, Stephanie M.; Lindsay, Daniel; Callander, Emily (2022) 'Response to: The “Cascade Birth, 49 (2) :173-174. [DOI ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Nakkeeran, N.; Sacks, Emma; Srinivas, Prashanth N.; Juneja, Anika; Gaitone, Rakhal; Garimella, Surek...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Singh, Alaka; Topp, Stephanie M. (2021) 'The significance of primary health care for building back b WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health, 10 (3) :S3-S5. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Srinivas, Prashanth Nuggehalli; Kiwanuka Henriksson, Dorcus; Gordeev, Vladimir; Decoster, Kristof; T...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
McLeod, Katherine E.; Butler, Amanda; Young, Jesse T.; Southalan, Louise; Borschmann, Rohan; Sturup-...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M. (2020) 'Power and politics: the case for linking resilience to health system gove BMJ Global Health, 5 . [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Abimbola, Seye (2018) 'Call for papers-the Alma Ata Declaration at 40: reflectio BMJ Global Health, 3 (2) . [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Abimbola, Seye; Topp, Stephanie M. (2018) 'Adaptation with robustness: the case for clarity on the u BMJ Global Health, 3 :1-3. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Scott, Kerry; Ruano, Ana Lorena; Daniels, Karen (2018) 'Showcasing the contribut International Journal f, 17 . [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
George, Asha; Campbell, Jim; Ghaffar, Abdul; HPSR HRH Collaborators including Stephanie Topp, (2018...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M.; Sheikh, Kabir (2018) 'Are we asking all the right questions about quality of car International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7 (10) :971-972. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Schaaf, Marta; Fox, Jonathon; Topp, Stephanie M.; Warthin, Caitlin; Freedman, Lynn P.; Sullivan Robi...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Abimbola, Seye; Topp, Stephanie M.; Palagyi, Anna; Marais, Ben; Negin, Joel (2017) 'Global health se BMJ Global Heal, 2 . [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Callander, Emily; Topp, Stephanie M.; Larkins, Sarah; Sabesan, Sabe; Bates, Nicole (2017) 'Quantifyi BMJ Open, 7 (1) ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Edelman, Alexandra; Taylor, Judy; Oseiko, Pavel; Topp, Stephanie M. (2017) 'The role of academic hea BMJ Open, 7 (5) . [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Topp, Stephanie M. (2017) 'The Lancet global health commission on high quality health systems—where' The Lancet Global Health, 5 (6) :e571-e571. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Daniels, Karen; Loewenson, Rene; George, Asha; Howard, Natasha; Koleva, Gergana; Lewin, Simon; March...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Zama, Mary T.; Dennis, Mardieh; Price, Jessica; Topp, Stephanie (2015) 'Assessing the feasibility of BMC Proceedings, 9 (Supplement 4) :1-3. [ ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Holmes, Charles B.; Sikazwe, Izukanji; Raelly, Roselyne L.; Freeman, Bethany L.; Wambulawae, Inonge;...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Allen, Tammy; Topp, Stephanie; Crouch, Alan (2019) Global Health Security 2019 Mosquito-borne disea Sydney, NSW, Austra...
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU