Treatment as Prevention in Correctional Facilities in Southern Africa (TasP Prisons) (Old ID 22496)

Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia

Principal Investigator


Limited data from Southern Africa suggest that concentration of HIV-infected individuals and high-risk sexual behaviours in correctional facilities may be driving HIV transmission in incarcerated populations. Despite the implications of incarceration - related HIV transmission on individual and public health, little evidence exists to guide implementation of HIV prevention strategies in these settings. One such strategy, Treatment as Prevention (TasP), offers promise to: (1) prevent HIV transmission among incarcerated men having sex with men and people who use drugs; and (2) improve inmate health and tuberculosis control. In this project we will implement TasP in three correctional facilities - one in Zambia and two in South Africa - and evaluate TasP implementation as a strategy to coordinate the HIV care continuum and assure appropriate TB assessment among HIV-infected inmates.


01 Aug 2015 - 31 Dec 2017

Project Type



HIV Care & Treatment;Prison Health Services;Service Delivery;Antiretroviral Therapy;Anti-Tuberculosis Therapy

Funding Body

Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia



Project Team