Gillian Knott








Gillian lectures mainly in the area of Pharmacy Practice, having been a practicing pharmacist for over 25 years. In the past, she has been employed in many areas of pharmacy practice, including hospital and community pharmacy in both rural and urban settings in many parts of Queensland, from Thursday Island to Charleville, as well as in the UK. Her main areas of hospital experience include general clinical pharmacy, nurse education, sterile manufacturing, and maternity and neonatal intensive care. To keep in touch with ‘the real world’, Gillian continues to work as an accredited consultant pharmacist conducting home and residential medication reviews in the Townsville Region.

Gillian has been involved with the Pharmacy program since 2000, as a placement preceptor, then as a tutor and for the past 10 years as a lecturer. She teaches mainly into years 2 to 4 of the Pharmacy program in areas such as clinical dispensing, dermatology, gastrointestinal pharmacy, respiratory pharmacy, paediatrics, geriatrics, oncology pharmacy and pharmaceutical calculations. She also teaches into various areas of the medical program such as Year 3 skin pharmacology, Year 1 interprofessional learning and the physicians assistant program. With a focus on over-the-counter conditions, Gillian has been co-ordinating the JCU round of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Pharmacy Student of the Year counselling competition for the past 10 years and supervises student training for this event. She is also involved in supervising pharmacy Honours and Masters student research projects. With her links with the practice, she networks regularly with local pharmacists in her role as the Pharmacy tutor co-ordinator.

Gillian completed her M Pharm (Research) degree in 2014, developing a discipline-specific training program for pharmacist tutors at James Cook University. She completed her PhD in 2023, developing and evaluating a training program for JCU pharmacist preceptors. Her current research interests include tutor and preceptor development, weight management in community pharmacy, home medicines reviews as a contributor to the quality use of medicines, the role of pharmacists in general practice clinics and interprofessional health education.