Florence Boulard
- florence.boulard@jcu.edu.au
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4092-6716
- Senior Lecturer
Area of Expertise
- Language and Culture
- Learning and Teaching
- International Education
- Francophone Studies
- Pacific Studies (Melanesia and Polynesia)
- Action Research
I welcome proposals for PhD, Masters, and Honours projects in any of the areas listed above. I am also always interested in supporting new projects, therefore welcome partnership opportunities from diverse organisations and industries. You can contact me at florence.boulard@jcu.edu.au
Professional Experience (Teaching & Research)
Florence Boulard has been an academic in the College of Arts, Society and Education since 2012. Between 2019-2021 she was Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching in Townsville Bebegu Yumba campus. Originally from New Caledonia, she came to Australia as an international student to pursue her tertiary studies. An alumna from the University of Queensland, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in modern languages in 2006. A year later she completed her Bachelor of Education while tutoring French for the School of Languages and Comparative Studies in UQ and undertaking translations for the Southbank Modern Art gallery in Brisbane. In 2008, she moved to Townsville where she worked as a French high school teacher and language coordinator, and as a casual tutor for James Cook University. Her passion for teaching and learning led her to complete her Master in Education in 2011 at JCU for which she wrote a thesis on international education (international-mindedness). At this stage Florence also began teaching Foundation French for the University of New England. The same year, she received a highly commended from the QLD College of Teachers placing her in the top ten early career teachers in the state. After four years studying for her thesis, teaching high-school students full-time and tutoring at university after hours, Florence was offered a position as Modern Languages Coordinator and French lecturer for James Cook University.
She is also the Director of the Academy of Modern Languages which has been running for over 20 years at the Townsville campus and was extended to Cairns under her leadership in 2015. In sharing her passion for languages and culture, Florence works in partnership with a range of schools in Queensland and in the South Pacific. Her community engagement work is led by her desire to build stronger internationally-minded communities.
Eager to continue improving her practice as an educator and develop herself as a researcher, she completed her PhD in Education in November 2017. Her thesis is entitled Making Australia's East Side Neighbours Visible. Through her research, she aspires to develop a Pacific literate nation to help transform the imagery of the Pacific and better connect with all people in our region.
Leadership for Community Engagement
1. Young Language Ambassador
Program started in 2014 which engages each year over 50 schools across QLD and the Pacific Islands. To date, Florence successfully planned and delivered 10 conferences which welcomed over 1500 students and teachers across Queensland as well as the Pacific Islands (Vanuatu and French Polynesia). The aim of the program is to support language education (both teachers and students) at all levels (primary, secondary and terriary). Florence successfully applied and received HEPPP B Competitive grant $31,747. Received Funding from Department of Education and Training QLD total since 2016 $50,000.
Video: Annual YLA Conference
2. Academy of Modern Languages Junior
This program offers short language courses at JCU Cairns and Townsville campus during school holidays. The AML junior program is supported by the Department of Education QLD since 2016. To date over 200 scholarships were secured and distributed to students in North and Far North QLD. In 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic, AML classes were offered online and the Department of Education International provided over 150 scholarships for students throughout QLD to participate in our JCU language short courses. Total funding received to date for this program is over $200,000.
Video: AML Junior Program
3. Young Explorers of the Tropics
This program is an extension of the YLA program and is combined with the JCU French Immersion program. Received funding from the Department of Education International QLD since 2017. Total funding received to date is over $70,000.