
Theresa Petray








Dr Theresa Petray (she/her) is an Associate Professor in Sociology and Head of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences academic group. Theresa is also a Research Fellow of The Cairns Institute. Her research and teaching both centre on the concepts of agency and social change. Theresa is committed to using her academic work to contribute to social justice.

Her primary research focus is on Aboriginal activism and self-determination. Her current research, with Gugu Badhun Nation, looks at economic development and nation-building through the lens of self-determination. This research has led to important partnerships with researchers around Australia and internationally, and was funded by an ARC Discovery Award, administered though UTS 2019-2023.

Theresa has researched Aboriginal protest movements in North Queensland as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social media activism. In particular, she is interested in the ways that seemingly marginalised people exercise agency to speak back to power.

Theresa also has research and professional interests in gender equity. From 2018-2022 she was Coordinator of JCU's Gender Equity Action & Research team (formerly Gender Equity Self-Assessment Team). In this role, she led the development of JCU's SAGE Athena Swan Bronze application, and the subsequent implementation of the Gender Equity Action Plan.

Theresa supervises JCU students in sociology and related disciplines, and has been on supervisory panels for research students from University of Sydney, University of Copenhagen, and Ben Gurion University. In 2022, Theresa was awarded JCU's Advisory Panel Member of the Year award, and in 2016 JCU's Early Career Advisor of the Year award.


Research Interests

Social movements, social change, protest and activism

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander agency



Teaching Interests

Active learning, student engagement and agency

Social Research Methods

Sociology and Anthropology

Research Advisor Accreditation
Advisor Type


Research Advisor Accreditation

Chair; Independent Academic

Taught Modules
Current JCU Research Students
Affect and Relationality in #MeToo Literary Narratives
Doctorate by Research - time-based
A Comparative Analysis of the Construction of French Identity in the Tropics through the Language and Music of the French National Anthem
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Swimming Upstream: A narrative exploration of the lived experience of older LGBT people and how social work professionals can support and advocate for their community.
Doctorate by Research - time-based
It’s Time: An Aboriginal Social Theory for, by, and with Aboriginal People
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Experiences of embodiment and exclusion in medical systems: Power, knowledge and transvaginal mesh devices
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Rifts and Reconnection: An Examination of Reconnective Mitigative Practices Under Capitalism.
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Risk Perception and Intersectionality: Implications for Large-scale Restoration and Adaptation
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Reading/Telling stories of Compounded Disadvantage: Regional perspectives in Novels and Memoirs of Higher Education
Masters by Research - time-based
Completed JCU Research Students
Social Media as a zone of violence: Neoliberal ideology and violent self-presentation in online spaces
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2023
Sentencers’ Attitudes toward Women in the Criminal Justice System: Explanations for Sentencing Treatment Disparities between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Women
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2018
“You kind of have to keep fighting”: Young Activists Becoming Political and Acting Prefiguratively
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2024
Trauma and Gender in Natural Disasters and Conflict Contexts: A Comparative Study of Aceh, Indonesia and the Deep South ofThailand.
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2018
Gugu Badhun Sovereignty, Self-Determination and Nationhood.
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2022
Mapping Connection, Disconnection and Power within the Social News media Network. A Case Study of the Great Barrier Reef during a Key Policy Event; 2021 UNESCO World Heritage recommendation and decision
Masters by Research - time-based- 2022
Self-Determination Discourses of Zenadth Kes People through Time
Masters by Research - time-based- 2023
Completed Honours and External Research Students
Surviving 'Advancement': Aboriginal Community Organisations Negotiating Settler-Colonial Governance in Western Sydney




Petray, Theresa; Osbaldiston, Nick (2024) Exploring Sociology in the Antipodes - Introduction to Soc. Townsville, QLD, Australia: [Teaching Material] ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Achterberg, Coralie; Compton, Anthea; Vivian, Alison; Petray, Theresa; Maling, Paula; Gertz, Janine ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Alexander, Nita; Ashley, Aaron; Lisciandro, Rebekah; Oleszek, Rachael; Petray, Theresa (2021) When s. Londo...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa (2020) Rastafarianism. Los Angeles, USA: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa (2016) The ties that bind: the importance of religion and community to the non-relig. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Furze, Brian; Savy, Pauline; Webb, Robert; James, Sara; Petray, Theresa; Brym, Robert J.; Lie, John ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa Lynn (2010) Actions, reactions, interactions: the Townsville Aboriginal movement and. [Thesis] [DOI] ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Lubicz-Zaorski, Carly; Newlands, Maxine; Petray, Theresa (2024) 'Fuelling the climate and science ‘d. Public Understanding of Science, 33 (3):270-289. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Velazquez, Marisela; Petray, Theresa L.; Miles, Debra (2024) 'The impacts of drug and alcohol use on. Race and Justice, 14 (2):124-145. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Compton, Anthea; Vivian, Alison; Petray, Theresa; Walsh, Matthew; Hemming, Steve (2024) 'Indigenous . Settler C, 14 (2):...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Gertz, Janine; Petray, Theresa; Compton, Anthea; Jorgensen, Miriam; Vivian, Alison (2024) 'Gugu Badh. 27 (1-2...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Alexander, Nita; Petray, Theresa; McDowall, Ailie (2022) 'Conscientisation and Radical Habitus: Expa. Youth, 2 (3):295-308. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Alexander, Nita; Petray, Theresa; McDowall, Ailie (2022) 'More learning, less activism: narratives o. Australian Journal of Environmental Educ, 38 (1):96-111. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Milton, James; Petray, Theresa (2020) 'The two subalterns: perceived status and violent punitiveness. M/C Journal, 23 (2). ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa; Doyle, Tanya; Howard, Elise; Morgan, Rhian; Harrison, Ryl (2019) 'Re-engineering th. International J, 11 (1):10-29....
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa; Pendergrast, Nick (2018) 'Challenging power and creating alternatives: integrationi. Journal of Sociology, 54 (4):665-679. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa L.; Gertz, Janine (2018) 'Building an economy and building a nation: Gugu Badhun sel. Global Media Journal: Australian Edition, 12 (1). ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa L.; Collin, Rowan (2017) 'Your privilege is trending: confronting whiteness on socia. Social Media and Society, 3 (2):1-10. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Lloyd, Rohan; Newlands, Maxine; Petray, Theresa (2017) 'Coral Battleground? Re-examining the 'Save t. Environmental Sociology, 3 (1):54-63. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Page, Alexander; Petray, Theresa (2016) 'Agency and structural constraints: Indigenous peoples and t. Settler Colonial Studies, 6 (1):88-98. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa; Halbert, Kelsey (2013) 'Teaching engagement: reflections on sociological praxis'. Journal of Sociology, 49 (4):441-455. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa Lynn (2013) 'Self-writing a movement and contesting indigeneity: being an Aboriginal. Global Media Journal: Australian Edition, 7 (1):1-20. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa L. (2012) 'A walk in the park: political emotions and ethnographic vacillation in ac. Qualitative Research, 12 (5):554-564. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Osbaldiston, Nick; Petray, Theresa (2011) 'The role of horror and dread in the sacred experience'. Tourist Studies, 11 (2):175-190. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa Lynn (2011) 'Protest 2.0: online interactions and Aboriginal activists'. 33 (6):923-940. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa L. (2010) 'Support vs. solidarity: white involvement in the Aboriginal movement'. 29 (3):69-72. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa (2010) ''This isn't a black issue': homophily and diversity in Aboriginal activism'. 9 (4):411-424. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Gertz, Janine; Maguire, Emma; Petray, Theresa; Smith, Bryan (2020) 'Violence' M/C Journal, 23 (2) . [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa (2015) 'Taking back voice: Indigenous social media activism' Australian Quarterly, 86 (1) :24-27. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa (2013) 'Punishing truancy is not the answer in Indigenous communities' The Conversation, 17 December 2013 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa (2013) 'Funding cuts threaten Indigenous independence in Queensland' The Conversation, 25 March 2013 :1-3. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Petray, Theresa (2011) 'Review of The Challenge of Indigenous Peoples' 38 :176-179. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU