Insu Song
- Senior Lecturer IT
Dr Song received his PhD in Computer Science from The University of Queensland. He has more than 30 years of industry experience in the field of AI, machine learning, embedded system design, industrial control system design, signal processing, patent analysis, and multimedia/game software development. Dr Song was awarded a prestigious international grant from Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to work on mobile applications for providing “Early Child Health Intervention Using Breathing Sound.” in 2011. He has over 100 publications in journals, books, and conference articles and several patent applications. He has also pioneered micro-projects at JCU creating over 1,500 learning contents designed and created with students and industry partners. Now, he has over 1 million education games that are generated using new AI algorithms and handcrafted learning contents, graphic designs, and game mechanics.
Research Interests
Artificial intelligence has been my main interest. During my PhD, I have worked on designing AI chips that can provide non-monotonic reasoning by encoding common knowledge using defeasible logic, a non-monotonic logic. Since then, I have continued to work on building AI models for autonomous medical diagnosis covering mental health, respiratory health, and gastrointestinal health. Recently, I have started building AI models for generating mobile education games by training AI models using learning contents, graphic designs, and game mechanic codes designed and developed by human. I am also building AI models that can learn human behaviors, such as mouse and keystrokes, for intrusion detection and assessment fraud detection. Recently, i have also started to join collaborations with fish farming to build AI models that can reduce cost of fish farming.