
Alex McCoy-West







Contact Details

Lecturer, Geochemistry


Dr. Alex McCoy-West research focuses on using a wide range of geochemical tools to understand the processes involved in the formation, differentiation and evolution of the terrestrial planets and their major geochemical reservoirs. He is a geologist and geochemist with expertise in a large range of radiogenic (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-Os) and novel stable (Fe, Zn, Mo, and Nd) isotope systems.

His major scientific achievements include using Mo isotopes to demonstrate that twice the volume of the continental crust today was generated in the first billion years of Earth’s history, implying rapid crustal growth and destruction on the early Earth (McCoy-West et al., Nature Geoscience 2019). Dr. McCoy-West has been pioneering the development of double-spike neodymium (Nd) stable isotope analyses, the first measurements of this kind in the world (McCoy-West et al., EPSL, 2017). This powerful technique has many future applications as from a single measurement it simultaneously allows constraints to be placed on both the source or age of a material and the processes involved in its formation.

Dr. McCoy-West's current research focus is placing new constraints on continental emergence (when Earth's contienents emerged from the ocean). A multiple isotope record will be generated from Banded Iron Formations to track changes in the weathering flux and chemistry of Earth’s earliest oceans. He also continues to research and collaborate on a wide selection of projects using non-traditional stable isotopes to explore planetary formation, early crustal growth, igneous rocks, hydrothermal systems, weathering processes and mineralization.

--> I am currently looking for Honours, Master's and PhD candidates. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. <---


Research Interests

  • Novel stable isotopes, Radiogenic isotopes,
  • Planetary formation, Continental growth
  • Ore deposit formation, Igneous petrology
  • Mass spectrometry, Geochemical modelling

Research Data


Research Advisor Accreditation
Advisor Type


Research Advisor Accreditation

Chair; Independent Academic

Current JCU Research Students
Interrogating the Rare Earth element potential of Queensland’s IOCG deposits
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
The role of ductile shear zones in the formation of critical mineral deposits
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Taxonomic review and palaeoecology of Cretaceous elasmosaurid plesiosaurs from Queensland, Australia
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Tectono-sedimentary and Taphonomic investigation of the Triassic System, Northern Bowen Basin, Australia
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Fluid Characterisation of Hydrothermal Mineralisation in the Mt Isa-Cloncurry District
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Investigating Global REE ion adsorption deposits to understand their genesis: Investigating trace element and REE stable isotope systematics.
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Using experiments to constrain stable isotope fractionation in banded iron formations
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Current Honours and External Research Students
Using Molybdenum isotopes to understand crustal evolution
PHD- 2022
Completed Honours and External Research Students
The genesis of Archean TTGs: Insights from rare earth element systematics
Evolution of Earth’s surface: Modelling crustal volume on the early Earth
Silver isotope analysis of gold-silver alloys with applications to mineral deposit genesis
Tracing rare earth element mobility during hypogene upgrading and supergene weathering of the Weld Range BIF




Moyen, J.F.; McCoy-West, A.J.; Bruand, E.; Millet, M.A.; Nebel, O.; Cawood, P.A.; Saji, N.; Ladwig, ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Davis, Alison M.; Wainwright, Ashlea N.; Tomkins, Andrew G. (2024) 'Simplifying. Journal o, 39 (3):...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A.E.; Cosford, Lara R.; Liu, Chun Yao; Liu, Xianyi; Krause, Alexander J...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Qian, Shengping; Salters, Vincent; McCoy-West, Alex J.; Wu, Jonny; Rose-Koga, Estelle F.; Nichols, A...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, A.J.; Mortimer, N.; Burton, K.W.; Ireland, T.R.; Cawood, P.A. (2022) 'Re-initiation of p. Gondwana Researc, 105 :432-449. ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Burton, Kevin W.; Millet, Marc-Alban; Cawood, Peter A. (2021) 'The chondritic n. Geochimica et , 293 :575-597...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Horan, K.; Hilton, R.G.; McCoy-West, A.J.; Selby, D.; Tipper, E.T.; Hawley, S.; Burton, K.W. (2020) ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Millet, Marc-Alban; Burton, Kevin W. (2020) 'The neodymium stable isotope compo. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Millet, Marc-Alban; Nowell, Geoff M.; Nebel, Oliver; Burton, Kevin W. (2020) 'S. ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Chowdhury, Priyadarshi; Burton, Kevin W.; Sossi, Paolo; Nowell, Geoff M.; Fitto...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Li, Yang; McCoy-West, Alex J.; Zhang, Shuang; Selby, David; Burton, Kevin W.; Horan, Kate (2019) 'Co. ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Fitton, J. Godfrey; Pons, Marie-Laure; Inglis, Edward C.; Williams, Helen M. (2...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Neely, Rebecca A.; Gislason, Sigurdur R.; Ólafsson, Magnus; McCoy-West, Alex J.; Pearce, Christopher...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Millet, Marc-Alban; Burton, Kevin W. (2017) 'The neodymium stable isotope compo. Earth and Planetary Science Lett, 480 :121-132. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Inglis, Edward C.; Debret, Baptiste; Burton, Kevin W.; Millet, Marc-Albarn; Pons, Marie-Laure; Dale,...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Bennett, Vickie C.; Amelin, Yuri (2016) 'Rapid Cenozoic ingrowth of isotopic si. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 187 :79-101. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, Alex J.; Bennett, Vickie C.; O'Neill, Hugh St.C.; Hermann, Jörg; Puchtel, Igor S. (2015)...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McCoy-West, A.J.; Mortimer, N.; Ireland, T.R. (2014) 'U-Pb geochronology of Permian plutonic rocks, . 57 (1):65-85. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Giuliani, Andrea; Tappe, Sebastian; Rooney, Tyrone O.; McCoy-West, Alexander; Yaxley, Gregory M.; Me...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU