Exploratory study of effects of sample storage/stabilisation on Cu isotope compositions of groundwater, and linkage between groundwater and proximal soil profiles. (Old ID 29017)

Geoscience Australia

Chief Investigator


The aims of this collaborative project between JCU and Geoscience Australia are simple. Geoscience Australia have legacy groundwater samples from active bores through their previous hydrogeochemical surveys (e.g. Northern Australia Hydrogeochemical Survey), where both acidified and unacidified samples have been kept in storage, some for up to several years. Copper concentrations measured at/near the time of sampling are variable, with some being in the sub-ppb range and others significantly higher. For some bores, proximal soil and rock samples are also available. This project will leverage all the above towards the following objectives: 1. Analyse Cu concentrations and isotope compositions for a small cohort of legacy groundwater samples (~10). 2. Analyse Cu isotope compositions in proximity-matched soil/rock samples. Where spatially matched soil and/or core rock samples are available, an additional subset of these solid samples will be processed and analysed to characterize their Cu isotope compositions and compare to that of matched groundwater samples. 3. Collate all results and jointly interpret with Geoscience Australia


16 Jun 2023 - 30 Sep 2023

Project Type



Isotope geochemistry;Sustainable futures;Hydrogeochemistry;Trace Element Geochemistry;Ore Vectoring

Funding Body

Geoscience Australia



Project Team

Dafne Koutamanis;Alex McCoy-West