Linking continental emergence and climatic evolution on the Early Earth (Old ID 26941)

Australian Research Council (ARC)

Principal Investigator


This project aims to constrain the timing and extent to which the continents were emergent (above sealevel) at different times in Earth’s history and its impact on climatic evolution, which remains poorly understood. Continental emergence was a pivotal moment in the development of our habitable planet, because it controls the influx of bioessential elements (like phosphorus) to the oceans. Using innovative geochemical techniques, expected outcomes of this work include a detailed record of changes in ocean chemistry and a time integrated model of the amount of emergent crust on the early Earth. Documenting the impact of changes in the solid Earth on the evolution of life is of the highest interest to society in Australia and abroad.


01 May 2021 - 29 May 2025

Project Type



Isotope geochemistry;Evolution of life;Continental emergence

Funding Body

Australian Research Council (ARC)



Project Team