
Louisa Tomas Engel







Contact Details

Associate Dean, Research Education


    A/Prof. Louisa Tomas Engel, B.Ed./B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D., began her educational career as a secondary science teacher before she commenced her current appointment in Education at James Cook University, Townsville, in 2009. She is currently Associate Dean, Research Education for the College of Arts, Society and Education, and is an appointed member of the University's Academic Board, serving in the capacity of Academic Expert – Scholarship.

    Louisa's teaching and research has focused on areas of Science and Sustainability Education. Her research primarily explores curricula and pedagogical approaches that engage diverse students in the learning of science and enhance the development of scientific literacy. She was part of a team of researchers that worked with local high schools as part of an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (led by QUT) that has investigated school students’ emotional engagement with socioscientific issues.

    Most recently, Louisa has developed a program of research that has explored effective pedagogical approaches for Science and Sustainability Education in pre-service teacher education. This research has explored flipped classroom and blended learning approaches, and has been funded, in part, by a James Cook University Teaching and Learning Development Grant. The goal of this research is to inform best practice regarding teaching and learning in Science and Sustainability Pre-service Teacher Education, so as to better support the learning and success of our first year pre-service teachers.

    Louisa's teaching and research in this field has been recognised by way of a number of awards, including a JCU TropEco Award for enhancing Education for Sustainability in learning, teaching and research, two JCU Citations and a National Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.


    Research Interests

    Innovative pedagogical strategies (including diversified writing-to-learn strategies) that support the development of scientific literacy and enhance student engagement in science learning, particularly in the middle school

    Socioscientific issues education

    The relationship between affect, student engagement, and the achievement of scientific literacy

    Education for sustainability and preservice teacher education



    Teaching Interests

    Curriculum and pedagogy

    Science education

    Sustainability education

    Taught Modules
    Current JCU Research Students
    Examining the Efficiency of Queensland State Primary Schools
    Doctor of Philosophy (Education)
    Educational Leadership for a Better World in the International Context;Research interests include - Leadership Models, Leadership and Gender, Leadership for the Future and Leadership within the International Baccalaureate context
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Using mobile technology to personalise the acquisition of English as an additional language learning
    Doctor of Philosophy (Education)




    Buchanan, Trevor; Tomas, Louisa (2019) Ready to lead? An exploration of principal preparation from a. London, UK: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; King, Donna; Henderson, Senka; Rigano, Donna; Sandhu, Maryam (2018) The resolution of. Rotterdam, The N...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Rigano, Donna (2018) This is not a sex-education class, this is biology!: students' r. Rotterdam, Netherlands: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Lasen, Michelle; Tomas, Louisa; Whitehouse, Hilary; Sorin, Reesa; Evans, Neus; Stevenson, Bob (2015)...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Ritchie, Stephen M.; Tomas, Louisa (2013) Designing an innovative approach to engage students in lea. New York, NY, USA: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Ritchie, Stephen M.; Tomas, Louisa (2012) Hybridized writing for scientific literacy: pedagogy and e. Hauppauge, NY, USA: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Jackson, Clifford; Carlisle, Karen (2012) ATSE Wonder of Science Evaluation Report. ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Navin, Fiona; Hill, Angela; Dalley-Trim, Leanne; Tomas, Louisa; Moore, Sharon (2011) Stronger, Smart. ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Hill, Angela; Navin, Fiona; Hughes, Bridget; Peyton-Smith, Kim; Moore, Sharon (2011) ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa (2010) Merging fact with fiction: A study of year 9 students' developing scientific li. [Thesis] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Jefferson, Grace; Henry, Rosita; Heyeres, Marion; Morgan, Rhian; Tomas Engel, Louisa; Tsey, Komla; Z...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Whiteford, Crystal; Brown, Daniel; Tomas, Louisa (2023) 'The efficacy of the Dimension. International Journal of Sc, 45 (3):165-180. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Mills, Reece; Gibson, Fiona (2022) 'β€œIt’s kind of like a cut and paste of the syllabu. Australian Educational Researcher, 49 :445-461. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Tomas, Louisa (2020) 'Realising the sustainability cross-curriculum priority through a. Geographical Education, 33 :11-17. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Mills, Reece; Rigano, Donna; Sandhu, Maryam (2020) 'Education for sustainable develop. Australian Journal of Environme, 36 (1):44-62. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Tomas, Louisa; Whiteford, Chrystal; Lewthwaite, Brian (2020) 'Developing middle school. Research in Science Ed, 50 (4):1501-1520. [ ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Evans, Neus (Snowy); Doyle, Tanya; Skamp, Keith (2019) 'Are first year students ready. International Journal of Ed, 16 (5). [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Tomas, Louisa; Lewthwaite, Brian (2019) 'The impact of student-constructed animation o. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28 (2):165-177. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Girgenti, Sarah; Jackson, Cliff (2017) 'Pre-service teachers' attitudes toward educat. Environmental Education Research, 23 (3):324-347. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Tomas, Louisa; Lewthwaite, Brian (2017) 'Junior secondary school students' conceptions. International Research in Geographical and , 26 (4):297-310. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Rigano, Donna; Ritchie, Stephen M. (2016) 'Students' regulation of their emotions in . Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53 (2):234-260. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Tomas, Louisa; Lewthwaite, Brian (2016) 'Learning in Earth and space science: a review. International Journal of Science Education, 38 (5):767-790. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Evans, Neus (Snowy); Tomas, Louisa; Woods, Cindy (2016) 'Impact of sustainability pedagogies on pre-. 10 (2):1-19. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Lasen, Michelle; Field, Ellen; Skamp, Keith (2015) 'Promoting online students' engage. Australian Journal of Teacher E, 40 (11):79-107. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Ritchie, Stephen M. (2015) 'The challenge of evaluating students' scientific literacy. Research in Science Education, 45 (1):41-58. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Lasen, Michelle; Tomas, Louisa; Hill, Angela (2015) 'Potential of service-learning to promote sustai. 26 (4):341-365. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Jackson, Cliff; Carlisle, Karen (2014) 'The transformative potential of engaging in s. Teaching Science, 60 (2):48-57. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Tomas, Louisa (2013) 'Integrating education for sustainability in pre-service teacher . Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 29 (2):152-164. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Ritchie, Stephen M. (2012) 'Positive emotional responses to hybridised writing about . Research in Science Education, 42 (1):25-49. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa (2012) 'Writing narratives about socioscientific issues: engaging students and learnin. Teaching Science, 58 (4):24-28. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Ritchie, Stephen M.; Tones, Megan (2011) 'Attitudinal impact of hybridized writing ab. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48 (8):878-900. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Ritchie, Stephen M.; Tomas, Louisa; Tones, Megan (2011) 'Writing stories to enhance scientific liter. International Journal of Science Educatio, 33 (5):685-707. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa (2011) 'Merging fact with fiction'. 9 (5):1-1. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mills, Reece; Tomas Engel, Louisa; Lewthwaite, Brian (2015) 'Representing Earth Science concepts thr Etropic: electronic journal of studies, 14 (1) :5-12. ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Mills, Reece (2011) Valuing Teacher Education: Policy, Perspectives and Partnerships ...
    Conference Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Jackson, Cliff; Carlisle, Karen (2013) 44th Annual ASERA Converence The transformati Wellington, New...
    Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Ritchie, Stephen (2011) Biannual conference of the European Science Education Researc...
    Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Tomas, Louisa; Ritchie, Stephen M. (2010) 2010 NARST National Association for Research in Science Te...
    Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU