
Vanessa Sparke







Contact Details

Senior Lecturer


Vanessa is a Senior Lecturer in the discipline of Nursing and Midwifery, and Course Coordinator of the Graduate Certificate of Infection Control at James Cook University (JCU).

Vanessa is an experienced Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) professional with a specific interest in rural and remote areas. Vanessa's PhD thesis studied improving infection prevention and control in a rural hospital in the Solomon Islands using a Participatory Action Research approach. Vanessa has worked as an IP&C clinical nurse in both large metropolitan hospitals and rural and remote areas of Australia. Vanessa’s other professional interests include critical care nursing, public health, and disaster preparedness and recovery and has travelled to Vietnam to teach disaster preparedness to communities living on the Mekong Delta (AusAID funded), and to the Solomon Islands to assess IP&C practices in a rural hospital (WHO funded). Vanessa is an active member of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) LMI Special Interest Group and Education & Professional Development Committee, and a founding member of the Collaborative for Advancement of Infection Prevention and Control - a collaborative between Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast and JCU.


Research Interests

Infection prevention and control Disaster preparedness and resilience Rural and remote health


Research Advisor Accreditation
Advisor Type


Current JCU Research Students
Navigating Latter Life better - Ageing and Dying 'Well' in Rural and Remote Australia
Doctorate by Research - time-based


Sparke, Vanessa Leonie (2022) Improving infection control at Atoifi Adventist Hospital, Solomon Isla. [Thesis] [DOI] ...
Other Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Chen, Yingyan; Tower, Marion; Zimmerman, Peta-Anne; Layh, Janice; Sparke, Vanessa; Prichard, Roslyn;...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Chen, Yingyan; Prichard, Roslyn; Mason, Matt; Tower, Marion; Zimmerman, Peta-Anne; Sparke, Vanessa; ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Condon, Kathleena; Zimmerman, Peta-Anne; Mason, Matt; Sparke, Vanessa (2023) 'Audit of essential inf. Infection, Disease &, 28 (2):75-80. [DO ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Adams, Festus; Zimmerman, Peta-anne; Sparke, Vanessa; Mason, Matthew (2023) 'Towards a framework for. International Journal, 19 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Sparke, Vanessa L.; Maclaren, David; Esau, Dorothy; West, Caryn (2022) 'Exploring infection preventi. PLOS Global Public Health, 2 (11). [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Murray, Eleanor J.; Mason, Matt; Sparke, Vanessa; Zimmerman, Peta-Anne P. (2021) 'Factors influencin. Prehospital and , 36 (3):321-337...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Sparke, Vanessa L.; Diau, Jason; MacLaren, David; West, Caryn (2020) 'Solutions to infection prevent. International Journal of Inf, 16 (1). [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Grimes, Andrea; Sparke, Vanessa; Rouen, Christopher; West, Caryn (2020) 'Preparedness and resilience. International Journal of , 48 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Sparke, Vanessa (2010) 'Signal infection surveillance - trial to assess suitability in a small Weste. 15 (3):93-96. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Sparke, Vanessa L.; MacLaren, David; Mills, Jane; Asugeni , Rowena; Moutoa , Kenny; West, Caryn (201...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Carrucan, Janine; Smyth, Wendy; Abernethy, Gail; Mason, Matthew; Sparke, Vanessa; Hayes, Megan; Shie...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Geia, Lynore; Budden, Lea; Felton-Busch, Catrina; Baldwin, Adele; Sparke, Vanessa; Callope, Elizabet...
Conference Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Callope, Elizabeth; Felton-Busch, Catrina; Geia, Lynore; Budden, Lea M.; Baldwin, Adele; Sparke, Van...
Conference Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU