Sara Brice









Dr Sara Brice is an academic within the College of Science and Engineering Physical Sciences Group. Dr Brice's expertise is in the field of Human Biomechanics, specifically Sports Biomechanics.

Dr Brice has extensive experience working with elite athletes and coaches. Prior to commencing at JCU Dr Brice was a member of the Biomechanics and Performance Analysis Discipline at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS). During her time at AIS Dr Brice worked extensively with athletes and coaches within the AIS Athletics, Basketball, Triathlon, and Winter Sport programs.

Dr Brice is an Mid-Career Researcher who completed her PhD in the area of Sports Biomechanics. Her PhD focused on examining how athletes could improve performance in the hammer throw. She continues to carry out research examining how athletes can prevent injury and improve performance within a number of sporting disciplines. Dr Brice also has interest in the area of pedagogical practices specifically examining ways to improve the quantitative literacy of allied health students.

Current Research Projects

  • Collaboration with NSW Institute of Sport, QLD Academy of Sport, VIC Institute of Sport, Australian Institute of Sport, and Rowing Australia examining the use of IMUs in elite sport.
  • Loading and mechanical function in squatting.
  • Impact of footwear on squatting dynamics and performance
  • Biomechanical determinants of performance in hammer throwing.

Post-Graduate and Honours enquiries

Please contact Dr Brice if you are interested in undertaking Post-Graduate or Honours study the following areas:

  • Using IMUs to examine in-field performance in elite sport.
  • Using IMUs to monitor training load.
  • Mechanics of the hammer throw.
  • Biomechanics in Strength and Conditioning.
  • Running and fatigue
  • Running dynamics following the ride in triathlon