
Rosita Henry







Contact Details

Professor - Promotional Chair


    Professor Rosita Henry is an anthropologist whose research concerns the political economy of memory, public performances, cultural festivals, heritage claims and disputes, land tenure conflict and the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the state. In that regard, she has worked, and continues to work, on a number of related research projects, with particular ethnographic focus on peoples and societies in the tropical north of Australia and in Papua New Guinea.


    Research Interests

    Gender and Social Change in PNG: I have researched and completed a biographical ethnography on gender, politics and changing values of land in Papua New Guinea, focusing on the life of a woman of the Western Highlands, Maggie Wilson. This has been published by MacFarland Press (2019) and made an ehnographic film entitled "An Extraordinary Wedding: Marriage and Modernity in Western Highlands, PNG"

    Museums and Collections: I led the ARC funded project "Objects of Possession: Artefact Transactions in the Wet Tropics of North Queensland", conducted in collaboration with Associate Professor Russell McGregor, Dr Michael Wood, Dr Shelley Greer, Professor Ton Otto and Dr Maureen Fuary. The project concerned ethnographic collecting in the Wet Tropics of North Queensland and contemporary Indigenous engagement with the ‘artefacts’ collected. We sought to explore the diverse ways in which Aboriginal peoples, collectors and museums have expressed their interests and property rights and values in the collected artefacts. Further research in this area is planned.

    Aging and Later Life: I led the ARC funded project "Planning for Later Life among Papua New Guineans in North Queensland". This    study was conducted with Dr Michael Wood, James Cook University, and Professor Karen Sykes, University of Manchester, England. The study aimed to contribute to knowledge and understanding of the importance of intergenerational and transnational relations in the care of the elderly. Further publications are in train based on this reseach.

    Cosmo-Political Landscapes: My past involvement in a project led by Dr Shelley Greer and Dr Susan McIntyre- Tamwoy aiming to understand historical cosmo-political landscapes in the borderlands between Australia and Papua New Guinea, has led me to continuing research interest in the anthropology of landscapes, although I am currently not conducting research on this topic.

    Cultural festivals: I collaborated with Barbara Glowczewski (CNRS) and Marcia Langton (University of Melbourne), to establish in 2003 a French/Australian network: Strategies of Communication: Cultural festivals and New Technologies. The key outcome of this collaboration was the book "Le Défi Indigène, Entre Spectacle et Politique" (2007), which was updated and published in English by Bardwell Press, Oxford as "The Challenge of Indigenous People: Spectacle or Politics?" (2011). I was a member of Pacific Alternatives, a major research programme involving an international network of researchers working on political innovation and heritage in Oceania, led by Professor Edvard Hviding and funded by the Norwegian Research Council through the University of Bergen. My project within this programme was entitled "Intangible cultural heritage and the innovative politics of cultural festivals in Australia and the Pacific". I have a continuing research interest Festivals (although currently unfunded).



    Research Advisor Accreditation
    Advisor Type


    Research Advisor Accreditation

    Chair; Independent Academic

    Taught Modules
    Current JCU Research Students
    PNG heritage in the archives: a legal anthropology of cultural property
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Failing Feminism: Culture, Female Empowerment and Agricultural Development
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    An Anthropological Exploration into Cultural Deafhood in Australia
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Moana Perspectives on the Ocean and Climate Change: Using Ta Va Theory to Represent Pasifika Voices
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Kuku Yalanji Artefacts and Traditional Knowledge in the Past and the Present
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Communicating education for sustainable social development - Evaluating and assessing communication strategies used to educate and communicate sustainable development and social change.
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Political imaginaries of resistance and the possibilities for nonviolent re-existence: Australian decolonial practices in a global context – an ethnographic approach
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Completed JCU Research Students
    The movement of things: tracing Eighteenth-Century Polynesian artefacts from HMS Pandora.
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2021
    The call of lineage: A living epistemology
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2021
    Luksave Em Bikpla Samting! Witnessing violence In Papua New Guinea
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2020
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2019
    Moral Reasoning, Death and the Clinic: The ethics of end-of-life decisions
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2019
    Everyday life in prehistoric Thailand: What can the spindle whorls tell us?
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2023
    Spirit, Story, Symbol: Indigenous curating in the Queensland rainforest
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2021
    Memory and Identity in the Life Writing of Australian South Sea Islanders: Struggling for Recognition
    Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2018




    Hayes, Anna; Wood, Michael; Henry, Rosita (2024) The Chinese in Papua New Guinea's past, present and. Canberra, ACT, Australia: [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Wood, Michael; Hayes, Anna; Henry, Rosita (2024) Conclusion: Imagining a Chinese future in PNG. Canberra, ACT, Australia: [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Hayes, Anna; Henry, Rosita; Wood, Michael (2024) The Chinese in Papua New Guinea: Past, Present and . Canberra, ACT, Australia: [Edited Publication] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2023) Narratives of self and other: Auto/biography in Papua New Guinea. Berlin, Germany: [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Wood, Michael (2022) Research, Rituals and Reciprocity: The Promises of Hospitality i. Leiden, Netherlands: [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Pam, Christine (2018) Indigenous knowledge in the time of climate change (with refere. Cambridge, UK: [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2017) Veiled commands: anthropological perspectives on directives. Oxford, UK: [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2015) State effects and festival performances: Indigenous Australian participation in. Canon Pyon, UK: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2013) Being and belonging: exchange, value, and land ownership in the Western Highlan. Oxford: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2011) Dancing Diplomacy: performance and the politics of protocol in Australia. Wantage, UK: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Glowczewski, Barbara; Henry, Rosita (2011) The Challenges of Indigenous Peoples: spectacle or politi. Oxford, UK: [Edited Publication] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2008) Engaging with history by performing tradition: the poetic politics of Indigenou. New York, USA: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2007) Creative networks: the poetic politics of indigeneity. Paris, France: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (1999) Practising place, performing memory: identity politics in an Australian town, t. [Thesis] [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita Joan (1986) 'A tulip in Lotus Land': the rise and decline of Dutch burgher ethnicity i. [Thesis] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Jefferson, Grace; Henry, Rosita; Heyeres, Marion; Morgan, Rhian; Tomas Engel, Louisa; Tsey, Komla; Z...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Ramoutsaki, Helen; Long, Debbi; Acciaioli, Greg; Foale, Simon; Pocock, Celmara; McBai...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Wood, Michael; Neuendorf, Nalisa; Brooksbank, John (2020) 'Planning for later life: t. Geoforum, 112 :24-30. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Vavrova, Daniela (2020) 'Brideprice and prejudice: an audio‐visual ethnography on mar. Oceania, 90 (3):214-233. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Vávrová, Daniela (2016) 'An extraordinary wedding: some reflections on the ethics and. Anthrovision, 4 (1):1-19. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2016) 'From flame to fame: transformation of firesticks to art in North Queensland'. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, Cultural Heritage Series, 10 :59-76. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Foana'ota, Lawrence (2015) 'Heritage transactions at the Festival of Pacific Arts'. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21 (2):133-152. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2015) 'Double displacement: Indigenous Australians and artefacts of the Wet Tropics'. Anthropological Forum, 25 (4):370-383. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mcintyre-Tamwoy, Susan; Greer, Shelley; Henry, Rosita (2015) 'Last days on Pabaju: a stone arrangeme. Quaternary International, 385 :79-87. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Greer, Shelley; Henry, Rosita; McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan (2015) 'Mainland magic: interpreting cultural . Quaternary International, 385 :69-78. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Aaberge, Bård; Barnard, Trish; Greer, Shelley; Henry, Rosita (2014) 'Designs on the future: Aborigin. Etropic: electronic journal o, 13 (2):56-74. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Otto, Ton; Wood, Michael (2013) 'Ethnographic artifacts and value transformations'. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3 (2):33-51. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Glowczewski, Barbara; Henry, Rosita; Otto, Ton (2013) 'Relations and products: dilemmas of reciproci. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY, 14 (2):113-125. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2012) 'Gifts of grief: performative ethnography and the revelatory potential of emoti. Qualitative Research, 12 (5):528-539. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Pam, Christine; Henry, Rosita (2012) 'Risky places: climate change discourse and the transformation . Shima, 6 (1):30-47. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Erckenbrecht, Corinna; Fuary, Maureen; Greer, Shelley; Henry, Rosita; McGregor, Russell; Wood, Micha...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2008) ''A tulip in lotus land': history and agency in colonial Sri Lanka'. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (3):210-218. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita ; Jeffery, William (2008) 'Waterworld: the heritage dimensions of climate change in th. Historic Environment, 21 (1):12-18. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Babidge, Sally; Greer, Shelley; Henry, Rosita; Pam, Christine (2007) 'Management Speak: Indigenous k. 51 (3):148-164. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2005) ''Smoke in the hills, gunfire in the valley': war and peace in Western Highland. Oceania, 75 (4):431-443. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Daly, Anne; Henry, Rosita; Smith, Diane (2002) 'Indigenous welfare policy: lessons from a community. 9 (4):371-384. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2002) 'Dancing into connection: the Laura Aboriginal Dance and Cultural Festival'. 27-28 (7):31-48. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita; Daly, Ann (2001) 'Indigenous families and the welfare system: the Kuranda community c. 216 :1-33. ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2000) 'Dancing into being: the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park and the Laura Dance . 11 (2):322-332. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Greer, Shelley; Henry, Rosita; McGregor, Russell; Wood, Michael (2016) 'Aboriginal artefacts, collec Memoirs of the Queensland M, 10 :1-7. ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Alexander, Jennifer; Henry, Rosita; Robinson, Kathryn (2008) 'Connecting the Miles: introduction' ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY, 9 (3) :175-176. [DOI] ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Henry, Rosita (2012) Performing Place, Practising Memories: Aboriginal Australians, hippies and the . New York, USA: Berghahn Books. ...