
Maria Hennessy








I am Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology located at the Singapore campus of JCU, and an Australian-trained clinical neuropsychologist and clinical psychologist. I am an advocate for evidence-based and systems-informed approaches to well-being in mental health research and practice. I am the Lead of the Well-being in the Tropics Research Cluster which aims to highlight the importance of well-being across broad domains of psychological research and mental health practice.  I have extensive leadership and management experience in Australian universities and public health settings.  I am a recipient of an inaugural Queensland Health Research Fellowship, a previous 3MT winner, and was a long-standing Director of Psychology in Queensland Health. I actively support health research through participation in external grant and conference scientific review panels, and human research ethics committees. I am a passionate advocate for the integration of well-being in mental health research and practice.


Research Interests

Assessment of well-being

Dual-continua model of mental health

Cross-cultural well-being

Character strengths use

Meaning in Life

Mental health outcomes

Positive health outcomes

Chronic subdural haematoma

Mild traumatic brain injury

Post-traumatic amnesia

Neuropsychological assessment

Research Collaborators and Partners
Queensland University of Technology
University of Adelaide
James Cook University Singapore
James Cook University Singapore


Teaching Interests

Psychological assessment

Mental health and Well-being

Brain and behaviour/clinical neuropsychology

Research design and analysis

Research Advisor Accreditation
Advisor Type


Research Advisor Accreditation

Chair; Independent Academic

Taught Modules
Current JCU Research Students
The Development, Validation and Clinical Application of an Integrated Psychobehavioural Model of Sleep
Doctor of Philosophy (Health)
A life well-lived: Developing an Ecological-systems perspective of basic psychological needs in Autistic adults
Doctor of Philosophy (Health)
Completed JCU Research Students
The development of a novel positive health framework to improve the understanding of recovery after chronic subdural haematoma
Doctor of Philosophy (Health)- 2019
Current Honours and External Research Students
Understanding the reliability and validity of the Three-Dimensional Meaning Scale (3DM) in a Singaporean sample
Reliability and validity of the Overuse, Underuse and Optimal Use (OUOU) measure of character strengths use
Understanding character strengths use with the Golden Mean Inventory
Understanding the relationship between physical well-being and mental health
Understanding lay conceptualizations of the search for meaning in life
Investigating the dynamics between the search for meaning and mental health
Completed Honours and External Research Students
Well-being of informal caregivers caring for individuals with stroke in ASEAN communities: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Available Projects


Other Activities


Hennessy, Maria Jeannette; Sullivan, Karen A. (2023) 'A 'network of understanding and compassion': a. Brain Impairment, 24 (1):27-38. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria; Sullivan, Karen A. (2022) 'Quality of life, community integration, service needs an. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 30 (2):164-174. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria J.; Delle Baite, Lorryn; Marshman, Laurence A.G. (2021) 'More than amnesia: prospect. Brain Impairment, 22 (3):294-311. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, M.J.; Marshman, L.A.G.; delle Baite, L.; McLellan, J. (2020) 'Optimizing and simplifying p. Journal of Clinical Neuros, 81 :37-42. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Moffatt, Claire; Hennessy, Maria; Marshman, Laurence; Manickam, Apukutty (2019) 'Long-term health ou. Journal of Clinic, 66 :133-137. [ ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria J.; Patrick, Jeff C.; Swinbourne, Anne L. (2018) 'Improving mental health outcomes a. Australian Psychologist, 53 (4):313-324. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Marshman, Laurence; Hennessy, Maria; Delle Baite, Lorryn; Britton, Grace (2018) 'Utility of retrogra. World Neurosurger, 110 :e380-e384....
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
McLellan, Jessica; Marshman, Laurence A.G.; Hennessy, Maria (2017) 'Anterograde amnesia and disorien. Journal of Clinical Neuroscien, 44 :184-187. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Marshman, Laurence A.G.; Jakabek, David; Hennessy, Maria; Quirk, Frances; Guazzo, Eric P. (2013) 'Po. ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Sullivan, K.; Hennessy, M. (2020) 'An Analysis of the Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes and Needs of P Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 35 (6) :918-918. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Robertson, Kelvin; Marshman, Laurence A.G.; Hennessy, Maria; Harriss, Linton; Plummer, David (2018) ...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria (2014) 'Using positive psychology measures in clinical practice: a new way forward' 15 (3) :68-68. ...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Birtles, Eliza; Hennessy, Maria (2014) 'Evaluating participation in interprofessional community reha 15 (3) :64-64. ...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria; Birtles, Eliza (2014) 'Understanding positive health outcomes and unmet needs after 15 (3) :66-66. ...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Jakabek, David; Marshman, Laurence; Quirk, Frances; Hennessy, Maria (2013) 'Assessing the end of pos Brain Impairment, 14 (1) :191-191. [DO ...
Journal Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria; Barlas, Joanna (2023) 8th IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology The Butterfly Vancouver, C...
Conference Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria; Barlas, Joanna (2023) 8th IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology Integrating w Vancouver, C...
Conference Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria; Hunt, Nicole; Morris, Kayla; Sealey, Cindy (2016) 13th Neuropsychological Rehabilit...
Conference Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria (2014) ECPP 2014: 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology Using positive psy Amsterdam, The Ne...
Conference Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria (2014) ICAP 2014: 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology Using positive Paris, France,...
Conference Contribution Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Hennessy, Maria (2013) 'Understanding mental health outcomes following traumatic brain injury' In: Hennessy, Maria (2013) Understanding mental health outcomes following t...
Book Chapter Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU