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Jose Domingos








Dr Jose Domingos’ research focuses on the development of efficient breeding programs for tropical aquaculture species. This involves the understanding and manipulation of endogenous and environmental factors affecting gonadal development and broodstock conditioning within appropriate maturation systems for reliable spawnings. Jose is passionate about marine finfish propagation (reproduction, genomics, selective breeding) and its integration with nutrition and fish health for the development of fast-growing and disease-resistant strains. Fingerlings of high quality and better genetics will improve farm productivity and allow aquaculture businesses in the tropics to achieve profitability and sustainability to feed our growing population.

Dr Domingos has a long involvement with commercial shrimp and marine finfish operations. Prior to joining the James Cook University (Australia) Aquaculture Genetics research team in 2008, Jose worked as a production manager for several shrimp farms in the South and Northeast of Brazil, where he supervised over 700 hectares of shrimp farming. Trained in Brazil (Oceanography, FURG; MSc. Aquaculture, UFSC) and Australia (PhD Aquaculture Genetics, JCU), Jose has >20 years of combined industry, government and academic background. Jose is excited about collaborating with industry partners in the development and use of genetically superior broodstock within reliable breeding and hatchery facilities, and in the training of students through hands-on experiences and discoveries that make a difference for life in the tropics.