





Contact Details

eResearch Specialist
  • +61 7 4781 4981


Erin's overall research profile combines big data with spatial analytics to quantify the effects of climate and environment on plant and animal distributions. With an undergraduate in IT, a Marine Biology PhD, and postdoctoral experience in species distribution modelling, climate adaptation planning, GIS, and remote sensing, she has a wide range of cross-disciplinary skills. In her current role, Erin leverages this skillset to train other researchers in storage, compute, and research software engineering methods.


Research Interests

Statistical modelling in ecology

Coral reef ecology

Spatial ecology

Research Data




Saunders, Sarah P.; Grand, Joanna; Bateman, Brooke L.; Meek, Mariah; Wilsey, Chad B.; Forstenhaeusle...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Ward, Michelle; Tulloch, Ayesha; Stewart, Romola; Possingham, Hugh P.; Legge, Sarah; Gallagher, Rach...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Perry, Justin J.; Cook, Garry D.; Graham, Erin; Meyer, C.P. (Mick); Murphy, Helen T.; VanDerWal, Jer...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Graham, Erin M.; Reside, April E.; Atkinson, Ian; Baird, Daniel; Hodgson, Lauren; James, Cassandra S...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Tan, C.H; Pratchett, M.S.; Bay, L.K.; Graham, E.M.; Baird, A.H. (2018) 'Biennium horribile: very hig. 604 :133-142. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Álvarez-Romero, Jorge G.; Munguía-Vega, Adrián; Beger, Maria; Mancha-Cisneros, Maria del Mar; Suárez...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Warren, R.; Price, J.; Graham, E.; Forstenhaeusler, N.; VanDerWal, J. (2018) 'The projected effect o. Science, 360 (6390):791-795...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Reside, April E.; VanDerWal, Jeremy; Moilanen, Atte; Graham, Erin M. (2017) 'Examining current or fu. PLoS ONE, 12 (2). [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Graham, E.M.; Baird, A.H.; Connolly, S.R.; Sewell, M.A.; Willis, B.L. (2017) 'Uncoupling temperature. Coral Reefs, 36 (1):97-104. [D ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Tan, C.H.; Pratchett, M.S.; Bay, L.K.; Graham, E.M.; Baird, A.H. (2016) 'Spatial and temporal variat. 561 :147-153. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Beaumont, Linda; Graham, Erin; Duursma, Daisy Englert; Wilson, Peter D.; Cabrelli, Abigail; Baumgart...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Hallgren, Willow; Beaumont, Linda; Bowness, Andrew; Chambers, Lynda; Graham, Erin; Holewa, Hamish; L...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Graham, E.M.; Baird, A.H.; Connolly, S.R.; Sewell, M.A.; Willis, B.L. (2013) 'Rapid declines in meta. Coral Reefs, 32 (2):539-549. [ ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Graham, Erin M.; Baird, Andrew H.; Willis, Bette L.; Connolly, Sean R. (2013) 'Effects of delayed se. Oecologia, 173 (2):431-438. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Palmer, C. V.; Graham, E.; Baird, A. H. (2012) 'Immunity through early development of coral larvae'. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 38 (2):395-399. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Graham, E.M.; Baird, A.H.; Connolly, S.R. (2008) 'Survival dynamics of scleractinian coral larvae an. Coral Reefs, 27 (3):529-539. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU