Patricia Graves
- patricia.graves@jcu.edu.au
- Adjunct Professorial Research Fellow
Dr. Patricia Graves is a specialist in epidemiology of malaria, filariasis and other vector-borne diseases, with extensive experience in applied research and consulting in the Pacific, Africa and Asia. She has served on the Techincal Review Panel for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Mallaria since 2012.From 2007 to 2011, she worked as epidemiologist for The Carter Center, Atlanta GA USA, conducting program implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation of integrated control programs for malaria, filariasis and other neglected tropical diseases in Ethiopia and Nigeria. She has been an advisor to the Pacific Regional Filariasis Elimination program since 2000 especially on survey design and evaluation of control programs.
Dr. Graves has been a successful short-term consultant for the World Bank, WHO, AusAID and USAID for support to and evaluation of malaria and filariasis control programmes in many countries of the Asia-Pacific Region and Africa. She also has long-term project management and applied research experience in Samoa, America Samoa, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, The Gambia, Ethiopia and Nigeria.
Dr. Graves has conducted laboratory and field research on genetic control of mosquitoes, malaria transmission and transmission blocking immunity, effectiveness of interventions such as insecticidal mosquito nets, rapid diagnostic tests, and the relationship between viruses and type 1 diabetes.