reseracher placholder

Jane Mills








One of Australia’s foremost primary health care academics with extensive experience leading and managing teams in both government and tertiary sectors. With a research portfolio focused on rural health, health workforce, health system strengthening and nursing education, Professor Mills has a Scopus H-index of 28, Google Scholar H-index of 49 and was listed in the Scopus top 2% of nurse researchers worldwide. Since 2006 has been the recipient of over $3.9 million in research and consultancy income including an NHMRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Primary Health Care. An internationally recognised grounded theorist, in the past decade wrote the popular text, Grounded Theory: a practical guide, which has furthered the development of fundamental grounded theory methods of theoretical coding and storyline analysis. The original text has over 4500 citations and has been reprinted several times since its publication in 2011. A third edition was released in December 2022. A recipient of an Australian Government Office of Learning and Teaching National Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Learning and Teaching in the area of teaching research. Professor Mills also has a reputation as an outstanding higher degree research supervisor across a number of disciplines including public health, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, allied health and social work.