Zohre Mohammadi








Dr Zohre Mohammadi is currently a Senior Research Fellow in Tourism at James Cook University, Singapore. She received her PhD in Tourism in 2019 with her qualitative study on Childhood Travel Experiences and Motivations.

She has a number of papers published in prestigious international journals and conferences, as well as book chapters. She has also served as a reviewer for journals and a member of scientific committees for conferences. Additionally, she benefits from conducting her research using novel qualitative methods, and she is quite confident in deploying and exploring this approach more extensively in future research activities.

Her research focus is on tourism behaviour and experience, tourism marketing, and events, activities, and amenities for children in order to introduce new emerging markets. In keeping with JCU's strategic objectives, she has launched projects aimed at sustaining the livelihoods of aquaculture small businesses in the tropics through tourism. her research interests are particularly concentrated on the intersection of two of JCU's teaching and research themes: Industries and Economies in the Tropics and Peoples and Societies in the Tropics. Additionally, her research supports a number of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, most notably Goals 4, 8, and 11. In the future, she hopes to continue a cross-disciplinary, collaborative approach in order to contribute to the expansion of livelihood projects in particular and to gain a better understanding of how development scenarios (desired and actual) interact with environmental management and livelihoods in tropical societies. Notably, she would like to further integrate international development experience into domestic research, as there are significant opportunities for research (and impact) that build on international development thinking and apply it to a local context.