






Career in Social Work

I was born in Hyderabad city India- a burgeoning metro city with huge IT infrastructures. I studied social work at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) having received a Tata Dorabji Scholar fellowship from, 1976-1977. My social work teaching career began in July of 1977 at the College of Social Work, Hyderabad, later in the year 1984 I obtained my PhD in social work. I taught Organisational Behaviour (OB) and Infrastructural management (IM) to visiting third world specialist-officers on deputation to training in UK, at the Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, University of London, Euston, UK.

I taught into BSW, MSW and BSW (Honours) and PhD Programmes, and offered field work supervision, line management to field work managers and research supervision to doctoral students at the Australian Catholic University, Sunshine Coast University, and Charles Sturt University. In 2019-20 and 2021 I have been a Sessional Academic at Charles Darwin University, James Cook University, Navitas, ACAP and Monash University, and the Central Queensland University, and held a short stint as Associate Professor at the James Cook University, Townsville, and Brisbane, on a contract for Brisbane campus. I continue to remain as an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, previously at the ILWS, and currently at the Senior Research Fellow (Adjunct)Senior Research Fellow (Adjunct) Gulbali Research Institute Charles Sturt University.

Research and Practice interests

I am a Grounded Theory Methodologist offering extensive consulting in developing robust research designs. I write on themes such as spirituality, coping resilience and building hope and human rights. I have written and mentored reflective research writing throughout the pandemic. I am a facilitator and trainer offering professional supervision in Queensland in strengths-based practice in social work and human services, and clinical supervision to Headspace, in New South Wales. In Australia, I founded the Brisbane Institute of Strengths-Based Practice and Impetus Global, Brisbane. Both offer solution focussed training in the broad realm of strengths-based strategies for human services and the corporate sector. Since 2006, I have been directing academic and practitioner-led national and international conferences in the Asia Pacific region and have directed two important conferences in Europe on trauma coping and resilience.