





Contact Details

Senior Research Officer


Tim Smith has 20 years’ experience as a marine scientist developing a broad range of skills to understand habitat and fisheries dynamics in coastal ecosystems. His research specialises in seagrass and fisheries ecology and he has published on seagrass resilience, recovery and reproduction, habitat association, trophic dependence of fisheries species, stock connectivity and fisheries gear selectivity. Tim has a PhD in seagrass habitat connectivity and has undertaken research in Spain, Chile, Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

Tim's current research focuses on seagrass habitats in Northern Queensland and the Northern Territory and focuses on mapping and monitoring, seagrass restoration and recovery, and, fish assemblages of inshore habitats.


Current JCU Research Students
Future proofing Australia's Tropical Seagrasses: A Recovery and Restoration Framework for key Tropical Species
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Completed Honours and External Research Students
Th importance of rizome stores in tropical seagrass Enhalus acoroides




Reason, C.L.; Smith, T.; McKenna, S.A.; Rasheed, M.A. (2022) Port of Weipa long-term seagrass monito. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Reason, C.; McKenna, S.; Rasheed, M.A. (2022) Seagrasses in Port Curtis and Rodds Bay 2. Cairns: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Reason, C.L.; Rasheed, M.A. (2022) Balaclava Island seagrass and marine plants baseline. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Chartrand, K.M.; Carter, A.B.; Hoffmann, L.; Smith, T. (2022) Progress Report: MARRS Monitoring Tria. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; McKenna, S.M.; York, P.H.; Rasheed, M.A. (2022) Green Island Jetty Repairs Seagrass Mon. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Reason, C.; Rasheed, M.A. (2022) Port of Gladstone East Bank Sea Disposal Site Benthic . Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
McKenna, S.A.; Smith, T.M.; Reason, C.L.; Rasheed, M.A. (2021) Port of Weipa long-term seagrass moni. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Rasheed, M.A. (2021) Port of Bundaberg Spoil Ground Seagrass and Benthic Fauna Survey 2. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Rasheed, M.A. (2021) Port of Bundaberg Seagrass and Benthic Monitoring Survey 2020. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Reason, C.L.; Smith, T.M.; Rasheed, M.A. (2021) Seagrass habitat of Cairns Harbour and Trinity Inlet. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Reason, C.; McKenna, S.; Rasheed, M.A. (2021) Seagrasses in Port Curtis and Rodds Bay 2. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Reason, C.L.; Rasheed, M.A. (2020) Western Basin expansion reclamation area and barge u. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, T.M.; Chartrand, K.M.; Wells, J.N.; Carter, A.B.; Rasheed, M.A. (2020) Seagrasses in Port Cur. Cairns, QLD, Australi...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Tim; Reason, Carissa; McKenna, Skye; Rasheed, Michael (2020) Port of Weipa long‐term seagrass. Cairns, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Macreadie, Peter I.; Sullivan, Brooke; Evans, Suzanna M.; Smith, Timothy M. (2018) Biogeography of A. Cham, Switzerlan...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Sherman, Craig C.D.; Smith, Timothy M.; York, Paul H.; Jarvis, Jessie C.; Ruiz-Montoya, Leonardo; Ke...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Godinez-Espinosa, Sara; Raoult, Vincent; Smith, Timothy M.; Gaston, Troy F.; Williamson, Jane E. (20...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Carter, Alex B.; Coles, Rob; Jarvis, Jessie C.; Bryant, Catherine V.; Smith, Timothy M.; Rasheed, Mi...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Raoult, V.; Pini-Fitzsimmons, J.; Smith, T.M.; Gaston, T.F. (2023) 'Testing non-lethal magnets and e. Regional Studies in Marine Sci, 61 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Buñuel, Xavier; Alcoverro, Teresa; Boada, Jordi; Zinkunegi, Leire; Smith, Timothy M.; Barrera, Anaïs...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Williamson, Jane E.; Gillings, Michael R.; Nevatte, Ryan J.; Harasti, David; Raoult, Vincent; Ghaly,...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Timothy M.; Sherman, Craig D.H.; Cumming, Erin E.; York, Paul H.; Jarvis, Jessie C. (2022) 'S. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Jackson, Emma L.; Smith, Timothy M.; York, Paul H.; Nielsen, Jesper; Irving, Andrew D.; Sherman, Cra...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Hewitt, Daniel E.; Taylor, Matthew D.; Raoult, Vincent; Smith, Timothy M.; Gaston, Troy (2021) 'Diet. Ra, ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Hewitt, Daniel E.; Smith, Timothy M.; Raoult, Vincent; Taylor, Matthew D.; Gaston, Troy F. (2020) 'S. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Broadhurst, Matt K.; Tolhurst, Daniel J.; Hughes, Brian; Raoult, Vincent; Smith, Timothy M.; Gaston,...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Raoult, Vincent; Tosetto, Louis; Harvey, Courtney; Nelson, Tess M.; Reed, Josh; Parikh, Aashi; Chan,...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Broadhurst, Matt K.; Smith, Timonthy M.; Millar, Russell B.; Hughes, Brian; Raoult, Vincent; Gaston,...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Raoult, Vincent; Williamson, Jane E.; Smith, Timothy M.; Gaston, Troy F. (2019) 'Effects of on-deck . Journal of Experi, 511 :10-18. [D ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Pages, Jordi; Smith, Timothy M.; Tomas, Fiona; Sanmartí, Neus; Boada, Jordi; De Bari, Harriet; Pérez...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Timothy M.; York, Paul H.; Broitman, Bernardo R.; Thiel, Martin; Hays, Graeme C.; van Sebille...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Connolly, Rod M.; Smith, Timothy M.; Maxwell, Paul S.; Olds, Andrew D.; Macreadie, Peter I.; Sherman...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Manassa, R.P.; Smith, T.M.; Beardall, J.; Keough, M.J.; Cook, P.L.M. (2017) 'Capacity of a temperate. Ecological Indicators, 81 :578-586. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
York, Paul H.; Smith, Timothy M.; Coles, Rob G.; McKenna, Skye A.; Connolly, Rod M.; Irving, Andrew ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Cumming, Erin; Jarvis, Jessie C.; Sherman, Craig; York, Paul H.; Smith, Timothy M. (2017) 'Seed germ. PeerJ, 5 :1-...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Timothy M.; York, Paul H.; Macreadie, Peter I.; Keough, Michael J.; Ross, D. Jeff; Sherman, C...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Timothy M.; York, Paul H.; Macreadie, Peter I.; Keough, Michael J.; Ross, D. Jeff; Sherman, C...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Sherman, Craig D.H.; York, Paul H.; Smith, Timothy M.; Macreadie, Peter I. (2016) 'Fine-scale patter. Marine Biology, 163 (4). [DO ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Thomson, Alexandra C.G.; York, Paul H.; Smith, Timothy M.; Sherman, Craig D.H.; Booth, David J.; Keo...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Hutchinson, Neil; Jenkins, Gregory P.; Brown, Andrew; Smith, Timothy M. (2014) 'Variation with depth. Estuaries and Coas, 37 (4):801-814. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Macreadie, Peter I.; York, Paul H.; Sherman, Craig D.H.; Keough, Michael J.; Ross, D. Jeff; Ricart, ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith, Timothy M.; York, Paul; Stanley, Annalise M.; Macreadie, Peter; Keough, Michael J.; Ross, D. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Smith , Timoth M.; Jenkins, Gregory P.; Hutchinson, Neil (2012) 'Seagrass edge effects on fish assem. 115 :291-299. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU