Teneale McGuckin
- teneale.mcguckin@jcu.edu.au
- Senior Lecturer
Teneale joined Sport & Exercise Science in the College of Healthcare Sciences in 2010. Teneale has an interest in behaviour change for reducing sedentary behaviour in an occupational setting and exploring community based physical activity. Additionally, Teneale has a passion for student success and has explored strategies to enhance student learning.
Teneale has been the First Year Experience Coordinator and Academic Advisor for the discipline of Sport and Exercise Science.
McGuckin, Teneale; Turner, Denise; Jones, Tamra; Crowther, Fiona; Eagers, Jackie; Connor, Jonathan (...
McGuckin, Teneale; Simmons, Lisa; Turner, Denise (2022) 'COVID-19 and the impact on the student deli. Australian Journal of Clinical Education, 9 (1):72-84. [DOI] ...
Harrison, Drew C.; Doma, Kenji; Leicht, Anthony; McGuckin, Teneale A.; Woods, Carl T.; Connor, Jonat...
Doma, Kenji; Leicht, Anthony; Woods, Carl; Harrison, Drew; McGuckin, Teneale; Connor, Jonathan (2021...
McGuckin, Teneale; Sealey, Rebecca; Barnett, Fiona (2018) 'Six-month follow-up of a theory-informed,. Cogent Psychology, 5 . [DOI] ...
de Hollander, Catherine; McGuckin, Teneale; Sinclair, Kelly; Barnett, Fiona; Sealey, Rebecca (2018) ...
McGuckin, Teneale; Sealey, Rebecca; Barnett, Fiona (2017) 'The use and evaluation of a theory-inform. Cogent Psychology, 4 . [DOI] ...
Planning for sedentary behaviour interventions: office workers' survey and focus group responses
McGuckin, Teneale; Sealey, Rebecca; Barnett, Fiona (2017) 'Planning for sedentary behaviour interven. Perspectives in Public Health, 137 (6):316-321. [DOI] ...
McGuckin, Teneale A.; Sinclair, Wade H.; Sealey, Rebecca M.; Bowman, Paul W. (2015) 'Players' percep. Perceptual an, 121 (3):666...
Parker, Lewan; McGuckin, Teneale A.; Leicht, Anthony S. (2014) 'Influence of exercise intensity on s. Clinical Physiology and Functional, 34 (5):377-383. [DOI] ...
McGuckin, Teneale Alyce; Sinclair, Wade Heath; Sealey, Rebecca Maree; Bowman, Paul (2014) 'The effec. Europea, 14 (S...
McGuckin, T.; Sealey, R. (2013) 'Use of case studies in first-year sport and exercise science learni. Focus on Health Professional Education, 15 (2):94-96. ...
McGuckin, Teneale Alyce; Sealey, Rebecca Maree (2013) 'Integrating Facebook into a university cohort. Australian Educational Computing, 28 (1):83-91. ...
Parker, L.; McGuckin, T.; Leicht, A. (2012) 'Influence of exercise intensity on endogenous oxidative 15 (Suppl. 1) :18-19. ...
McGuckin, T.; Leicht, A. (2012) 'How many consecutive days of pedometer monitoring is required to es 15 (Suppl. 1) :329-329. ...
McGuckin, T.; Turner, D.; Crowther, F.; Jones, T.; Eagers, J.; Connor, J.; Simmons, L. (2024) ANZAHP...
Simmons, L.; Barker, Ruth; Barnett, Fiona; McGuckin, Teneale (2024) ANZAHPE 2024 Festival Evaluatin Adelaide...
McGuckin, T.; Turner, D.; Crowther, F.; Lloyd, N.; Eagers, J.; Simmons, L. (2024) ANZAHPE 2024 Festi...
Harrison, Drew C.; Connor, Jonathan D.; McGuckin, Teneale A.; Leicht, Anthony S.; Doma, Kenji (2020)...
McGuckin, T.; Sealey, R.; Barnett, F. (2017) ASBHM-CHP 2017: Australasian Society of Behavioural Hea...
McGuckin, T.; Sealey, R.; Leicht, A.; Barnett, F. (2015) ICDAM9: International Conference on Diet an...
Immediate verbal feedback enhances some aspects of subsequent practical examination performance
McGuckin, T.; Sealey, R. (2013) ANZAHPE 2013: Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Prof...
McGuckin, Teneale; Sinclair, Wade; Sealey, Rebecca (2012) 5th Exercise & Sports Science Australia Co...
McGuckin, T.; Sinclair, W.; Sealey, R. (2011) WCSF 2011 VIIth World Congress on Science & Football ...