Kunwarjit Sangla








Professor Kunwarjit Sangla is Medical Director and Pre-Eminent staff specilast with Queensland Health based at the Townsville University Hospital. He is trained as an Internal Medicine Physician, Endocrinologist and Obstetric Medicine Physician.

He is currently a board member for Townsville Hospital and Health Services.

His keen area of interest is inpatient diabetes management and peripheral vascular disease

He was instrumental in writing the diabetes ketoacidosis protocol which is now used across Queensland public and private hospitals and many other hospitals within Australia and internationally.

His team developed the virtual diabetes dashboard (whole of hospital with intention to treat), which is now being used across many hospitals within Queensland and Australia. He won the Health Roundtable Innovation of the year in 2023 for the nurse practioner led model of care for virtual management of diabetes using the diabetes dashboard.

In 2023 his team developed the virtual (whole of hospital with intention to treat) venous thromboembolism dashboard to prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in hospital. This is currently being shared nationally for use by digitalised hospitals. He won the best poster for innovation and top three oral presentations at the BMJ international conference for Quality and Safety in Healthcare in Melbourne in 2023.

Professor Sangla works in close collaboration with the team at the NHMRC funded centre of research excellence for Peripheral Vascular Disease in JCU and has received numerous external grant support as part of the team.

His research commitment is illustrated by presentations at national and international meetings and publications in peer-reviewed journals, including several in specialised journals. He has reviewed grant applications and is a peer reviewer for national and international peer reviewed journals.