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Professor Gianna Moscardo has qualifications in applied psychology and sociology and joined the School of Business at James Cook University in 2002. Prior to joining JCU Gianna was the Tourism Research project leader for the CRC Reef Research for eight years. Her qualifications in applied psychology and sociology support her research interests in understanding how communities and organisations perceive, plan for, and manage tourism development opportunities, how tourists learn about and from their travel experiences and how to design more sustainable tourism experiences. She has published extensively on tourism and related areas with more than 200 refereed papers or book chapters. Professor Moscardo has been invited to speak on issues related to tourism in New Zealand, South Africa, Botswana, Italy, Finland, Austria, Croatia, Wales, Spain and the United States. Her recent project areas include evaluating tourism as a tool for economic development in rural regions, tourist experience analysis, cross-cultural issues in tourism, designing effective tourist interpretation and tourist storytelling. Current research is focussed on understanding heritage interpretation in tourist settings, tourist storytelling, and using Quality of Life as a way to investigate tourism impacts and community development. In 2014 Prof. Moscardo was appointed Chair of the international BEST EN (Building Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Education Network) group.


Research Interests

Tourism and Sustainable Development

Tourist Experience and design

Community well-being/Quality of Life

Heritage Interpretation/education for sustainability

Generational Cohorts

Retail Consumption

Regional Tourism Planning


Hughes, Karen; Moscardo, Gianna (2024) 'Once upon a time: the impact of storytelling on connecting p. Environmental Education Research, 30 (2):235-250. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Moscardo, Gianna; Hughes, Karen (2023) 'Rethinking Interpretation to Support Sustainable Tourist Exp. Journal of Interpretation Research, 28 (1):76-94. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Albrecht, Julia N.; Moscardo, Gianna; Dwyer, Trisha (2022) 'Learning about learning in tourism: Indi. Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Resea, 46 (2):320-343. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Moscardo, Gianna (2021) 'Using systems thinking to improve tourism and hospitality research quality . Tourism & Hospitality, 2 (1):153-172. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Jin, Haipeng; Moscardo, Gianna; Murphy, Laurie (2021) 'Unfolding Chinese tourist shopping practices:. Tourism Review, 76 (2):460-472. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Jin, Haipeng; Moscardo, Gianna; Murphy, Laurie (2021) 'Unraveling the mechanisms behind Chinese outb. Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45 (4):629-651. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
N'Drower, Fiona; Moscardo, Gianna; Murphy, Laurie (2021) 'Tourism brings good things: tourism and co. Tourism Review International, 25 :229-245. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Moscardo, Gianna (2021) 'The story turn in tourism: forces and futures'. Journal of Tourism Futures, 7 (2):168-173. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU