Bunmi Malau-Aduli








Background: Bunmi Malau-Aduli is a Professor of Medical Education. She served as Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching (from 2019-2022) and Academic Lead for Assessment and Evaluation (from 2015-2022) at the College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia. Bunmi’s educational training and qualifications span across biological sciences, agricultural science, business administration, management and medical education. She has PhD and Masters Degrees in Reproductive Physiology, an Honours degree in Zoology and Graduate Certificates in University Learning and Teaching, Management and Business Administration. Bunmi’s international recognition as a world-class researcher and academic leader in medical education is exemplified by her leadership of a collaborative network of medical educators through the international Australasian Collaboration for Clinical Assessment in Medicine (ACCLAiM), membership of Medical Education Advisory and Editorial Boards, international research collaborations, professional service as co-convenor of International Health Professions Assessment Course and Guest Speaker at international conferences.Bunmi has an excellent personal track-record of providing leadership in curriculum development and assessment innovations, developing implementation plans in teaching and research initiatives, leading national and international Item Writing and Assessment Workshops and the strategic development of program impact evaluation, including the JCU GP Training program and mentorship of higher degree research students and early career academics. She has a strong commitment to fostering academic excellence in medical education research and teaching initiatives, professional activities and policy development to manage challenging issues within well-defined processes and structures.

Learning and Teaching: Bunmi has a distinguished record of scholarly teaching and leadership across the Discipline, College, University-wide and International levels with extensive experience in leading curriculum development, delivery, renewal, subject coordination and active participation in teaching, learning and assessment activities as well as program convening and actively developing educational policies within the University community. This is demonstrated by her leadership roles as Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching at JCU College of Medicine and Dentistry, and Chair of the Learning & Teaching, Curriculum Management, Assessment and Evaluation Strategy Committees at the College. This is in addition to her membership of the Division Board of Studies, University Education Committees as well as the Student Learning and Teaching Portfolio Governance Group. In recognition of her high-quality service and outstanding contributions to medical student teaching and learning practice, Bunmi was a finalist of the 2012 International Ron Harden Medical Education Award, winner of the 2012 University of Tasmania Teaching Merit Award, 2014 James Cook University Teaching and Learning Academy Fellowship Award and 2014 University of Tasmania Vice Chancellor’s Team Award for Programs that Enhance Learning. She also won the Australian Office for Learning & Teaching (OLT) grant in 2013. She currently serves as Subject Coordinator for the following subjects: HS6405- Assessment and Evaluation in Health Education (Postgraduate); HS5409 - Innovative Teaching in the Health Professions (Postgraduate); and MD3000 - Research Skills Selective (MBBS, Undergraduate) and teaches into MD1020 - Introduction to Integrated Medical Studies (Undergraduate) and HS7410 - Curriculum Design and Renewal in Health Professional Education (Postgraduate). Bunmi has also led local, national and international Assessment Item Writing Workshops and the strategic development of program impact evaluation of the JCU General Practice Training (JCU GPT) Programme.

Research and Innovation: Bunmi is currently ranked in the Elsevier World’s Top 2% Scientists for the Year Impact-2020 Category. Evidence-based pointer to her international and national research collaborations and partnerships is reflected in her co-authorship with other world-renowned gurus in medical education (see 2021 Edited Book “Understanding Assessment in Medical Education through Quality Assurance” by Malau-Aduli, Hays and van der Vleuten – McGraw Hill Publishers). Bunmi’s excellently sustained track-record is exemplified by her outstanding skills set in conceiving, initiating and leading research innovations, shaping collaborative partnership agendas in knowledge translation, fostering a supportive learning training environment leading to the successful recruitment, supervision, co-publication and timely completion of high calibre HDR students. In this regard, Bunmi has made outstanding and innovative contributions to the following reasearch areas: quality assurance of assessment processes, evaluation of health systems and health education interventions, basic science knowledge retention, students’ career choices and transition experiences, cognitive decision-making processes and intercultural competence. Bunmi has collaborated with colleagues either as lead or co-investigator and her outstanding and invaluable contribution to scholarly research has resulted in 200+ high-quality research outputs in high impact factor journals and attracted Aus$818,403.00 in research grants associated with high profile and complex collaborative projects. Bunmi won an Excellent Paper Award for the best paper published by Animal Science Journal in 2003 and she has successfully supervised 24 research students (20 PhD, 1 Masters and 3 Honours) from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Service and Engagement: Bunmi has outstanding skills in communication and collaboration with the capacity to build relationships within and between universities as demonstrated by herCo-Leadership since inception, of the International Australasian Collaboration for Clinical Assessment in Medicine (ACCLAiM), as well as her Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching and Academic Lead for Assessment & Evaluation roles at JCU’s College of Medicine and Dentistry. She has also made significant contributions to university governance in policy development and provides leadership in professional community engagement activities at national and international levels. This is exemplified by her membership of the McGraw Hill Medical Education Advisory Board, International Quantitative Research Collaboration, Medical Education Leads in Australia and New Zealand, Co-convenor of the International Health Professions Assessment Course, Professional Consultant for the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), Consultant Reviewer for the Singapore National Medical Research Council, External Thesis Examiner (Deakin University, Victoria, Australia), Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member for BMC Medical Education and Frontiers in Medicine, Invitation by Medical Education Editor to present a Podcast and write a commentary, Invited as a Guest Speaker at the 2018 Assoc of Physiol & Pharmacologists of India Conference (APPICON), Invited as Guest Speaker at the 2021 Research Capacity Building Workshop, Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Nigeria, Invited as a Symposium Guest Speaker at the 2021 International Medical Education Conference, Malaysia, Invited as Guest Speaker at the 2022 UniCa Conference Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe, Invited as Guest Speaker at the 2021 Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) Webinar series, NSW and more recently, invited as Session Chair (Assessment in Practice, Online Oral Communication) at the 2022 Ottawa Conference. Bunmi has also served as Chair of the Evaluation Strategy Committee, Member of the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), JCU Chapter, Member of University and Divisional Learning and Teaching Committees, Member of College Cabinet, Subject Coordinator, and Reviewer for many internationally recognised journals (Medical Education; Medical Teacher; BMC Medical Education; Teaching and Learning in Medicine; PLOS ONE; BMJ Open; BMC Public Health; Medical Principles and Practice; MedEd Publish; Int J Medical Education; Advances in Medical Education & Practice; Patient Education and Counselling).