She Flies Drone Camps: Building Northern Australia's Drone Ecosystem (Old ID 23163)

Department of Industry

Principal Investigator


She Flies is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary programme across Northern Australia. While the She Flies brand will cover a range of national initiatives (, this particular application for funding will focus on the She Flies Drone Camps. This is a series of week-long camps aimed at teaching Northern Australian high school girls and their teachers or parents the possibilities of working with, and flying drones. From design and construction through to flying and finally using photography to create maps, She Flies Drone Camp will be hands on, practical, fun and safe. Importantly, it will also provide a career path opportunity that many young women probably never realised existed. With initial estimates suggesting that fewer than 1% of drone pilots in Australia are female, we need to encourage young women into this technology and its associated spatial sciences. This will ensure equity and diversity across the industry going forwards.


03 Jan 2017 - 31 May 2018

Project Type



Remote Sensing;Drones;STEM;Wmen;Engaging Science

Funding Body

Department of Industry



Project Team

Mangalam Sankupellay