Evaluation of student-led community rehabilitation and lifestyle service and Implementation of Nasal High Flow (Old ID 27090)

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited

Principal Investigator


This research grant is to support two studies conducted in Weipa, Cape York. The first project is the “Evaluation and Implementation of a Student-led Community Rehabilitation and Lifestyle Service”, the second project is the “Implementation of Nasal High Flow (NHF): A remote context”. Both projects explore the effectiveness of service delivery to remote and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Both projects explore the effectiveness of the delivery of novel health care interventions. The community rehabilitation project evaluates an innovative health workforce model that is providing a service for people experiencing the impact of non-communicable diseases (chronic disease) that previously didn’t have access to community rehabilitation.


17 Dec 2020 - 30 Jun 2022

Project Type



Implementation;Remote Health;Health services;Atsi Health;Rehabilitation;Respiratory

Funding Body

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited



Project Team

Sally West