Improving the efficiency of genomic selection for meat yield, product quality and environmental resilience through digital phenotyping in the Akoya oyster
Co Investigator
The Akoya pearl oyster has historically been farmed for production of pearls. However, in recent times due to its rapid growth rate there is interest in farming this species as a new edible oyster commodity. Broken Bay Pearls is a company situated in Broken Bay, NSW that is currently farming Akoya pearl oysters to sell oyster meat into the Sydney market. They are interested in increasing their production and quality of products through a genomics-informed selective breeding program. For a selective breeding program to be feasible two core components of large-scale data streams need to be acquired (precise measurements on phenotypes of interest to select, and genomic-based SNP genotypes of oysters). Due to the cost and difficulty in measuring growth, meat quality (ie glycogen content) and meat yield at the industrial-scales required, computervision of growth traits trained through machine learning, near-infrared spectroscopy to measure flesh quality, and SNP genomic genotyping platform have enormous potential to revolutionise the conduct of a breeding program and maximise efficiency and quality output of production. Tools also will allow rapid grading of product and possible creation of new niche product lines for sale. The proposed product will develop AI/ML based non-invasive phenotype methods along with a genomic platform to allow a selective breeding program for the Akoya pearl oyster to be implemented.
30 Sep 2024 - 30 Jun 2026
Project Type
Akoya oysters;genotyping;phenotyping;near infrared spectroscopy;machine learning
Funding Body
Food Agility CRC Limited
Project Team
Dean Jerry;Carla Ewels;Nga Vu;Mostafa Rahimi Azghadi