Principal Investigator
The Yunbenun Seagrass and Megafauna Monitoring Project will address knowledge gaps around seagrass and megafauna (i.e. dugong), in Wulgurukaba Sea Country which can be used to inform and drive on-ground action. The project will help build the capacity of Wulgurukaba People, Yunbenun Rangers and the community, to play an active role in protecting important island ecosystems and the animals that use them. At the end of this project, Wulgurukaba People and Yunbenun Rangers will have the foundation skills that will empower them to have an active and leading role in habitat and megafauna monitoring in Sea Country and potentially be involved in seagrass and megafauna activities that are already occurring in Sea Country such as such the Port of Townsville Long-Term Seagrass Monitoring Program and the MMP. The project will implement a multi-step strategy that starts with people and partners coming together to share knowledge, a synthesis of all the information we know about seagrasses and megafauna in Wulgurukaba Sea Country, training for skill and capacity building, on-ground assessments of benthic habitats and megafauna, and culminates with tangible outcomes such as maps of benthic habitats to fill knowledge gaps and a better understanding of the movement of megafauna around Yunbenun.
23 Sep 2024 - 30 Apr 2026
Project Type
Yunbenun;Wulgurukaba;Seagrass;Dugong;Megafauna;Monitoring;Capacity Building
Funding Body
Great Barrier Reef Foundation
Project Team
Skye McKenna;Dr Chirstophe Cleguer;Wulgurukaba People