Building capacity of GMY rangers to participate in the management of their Sea Country – 2.0

Great Barrier Reef Foundation

Principal Investigator


This collaborative project between GMY (Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Rangers) and JCU’s TropWATER team is a continuation and expansion of our GBRF Healing Country project and Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger GBR Program project. This project will continue to fill critical knowledge gaps by collecting baseline information or update old information for seagrass habitat, the current health and condition of coral habitats and dugong and turtle movement in GMY Sea Country. GMY rangers will work with JCU TropWATER scientists to up-skill in key areas: seagrass, dugong and coral reef surveys and monitoring methods; drones, mapping and GIS survey methods; habitat mapping; and data management. JCU TropWATER staff; Skye McKenna, Dr Katie Chartrand & Dr Chris Cleguer will provide the science (i.e., science around mapping benthic habitats, designing monitoring programs & aerial drone-based research & monitoring), technical (i.e., using spatial databases, data management systems, drone training), logistical (i.e., vessel and underwater camera equipment), reporting and training (i.e., species identification) support required to deliver the project.


01 Sep 2024 - 31 Jan 2026

Project Type




Funding Body

Great Barrier Reef Foundation



Project Team

GMY Rangers;Dr Katie Chartrand;Skye McKenna