Mental Health Collaborative Evaluation Project
Chief Investigator
Western Queensland PHN is one of 31 PHNs established to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of primary care services for patients, particularly those at risk of poor health outcomes. The mental health collaborative is part of the wider Australian Primary Care Collaborative (APCC) program which is a key part of the Australian General Practice quality improvement landscape. The mental health collaborative aims to encourage practices to engage in a continuous quality improvement (CQI) approach to improve mental health care provided and health outcomes. The program provides support to general practices and other primary health care services to deliver rapid, measurable, systematic and sustainable improvements in the care they provide to patients. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the association of implementation of the mental health collaborative with changes in client outcomes (particularly overall wellbeing and functioning) over a 12 month period.
01 Apr 2018 - 31 Dec 2019
Project Type
Funding Body
Western Queensland Primary Care Collaborative Limited
Project Team
Professor Sarah Larkins;Professor Sabina Kinight;A/Prof Judy Taylor;Dr Rebecca Evans