Point-of-injury intranasal ALM drug therapy to reduce secondary injury and improve outcomes after TBI in civilian and military resource-limited environments (Old ID 27829)
Chief Investigator
Currently there is no effective drug therapy to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) in combat and other military and civilian settings immediately after the injury has occurred that can protect the brain and the whole body by reducing secondary injury progression and TBI-associated complications. ALM therapy is a neuroprotective fluid therapy that significantly improves survival, rescues cardiac function, reduces local bleeding, and blunts secondary injury processes including inflammation after trauma. This project will evaluate the efficacy and protective benefits of ALM therapy administered intravenously (injectable) and intranasally (via spray) in a rat model of TBI.
01 Sep 2023 - 31 Aug 2026
Project Type
Traumatic Brain Injury;intranasal;Blood brain barrier;Military;Immune;ALM
Funding Body
United States Department of Defence
Project Team
Jodie Morris;Hayley Letson