Benthic monitoring and demersal fish surveys in Limmen Marine Park. (Old ID 29022)

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW)

Chief Investigator


This project's requirements are for field work, data analysis and reporting on benthic habitat monitorings and demersal fish communities in, and connected to, Limmen Marine Park, in the South-West Gulf of Carpentaria. The objectives are: 1. Increase understanding of traditional knowledge and collaborate with Indigenous rangers and Traditional Owners to undertake marine park management, such as monitoring, including the development of bilingual maps where possible. 2. Identify any changes/trends in the condition of benthic habitats in the marine park, including seagrass, algal, sponge and coral habitats. 3. Identify demersal fish communities in and adjacent to the marine park, including consideration of key pressures on these communities and any potential management actions for mitigating impacts.


18 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2025

Project Type



Seagrass;Mapping;Intertidal;Benthic Habitats;Gulf of Carpentaria;Fish

Funding Body

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW)



Project Team

Chris van de Wetering;Catherine Collier;Alexandra Carter