Mapping Marra Sea Country with a focus on benthic habitats of the Limmen Marine Park (Old ID 27076)
Chief Investigator
Understanding the distribution and composition of benthic habitats in the Limmen Marine Park is necessary to manage the park in accordance with the North Marine Parks Network Management Plan and support the aspirations of the Marra People. Our team will survey the marine benthic habitats within and adjacent to the marine park. Recommendations for the marine park’s co-management will be developed. Project outputs will be relevant to multiple users and made accessible by optimizing media streams, including a short film about the Limmen marine park from the perspective of the Marra people and sea rangers.
26 Nov 2020 - 15 Dec 2023
Project Type
Marine Parks;Co-management;Traditional Owners;Benthic habitats;Seagrass;Monitoring
Funding Body
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Project Team
Rob Coles;Alexandra Carter;Lloyd Shepherd;Michael Rasheed;Paul Leeson