Exploring field spaces as learning places: Optimising the impact of field-based learning on the student experience (Old ID 21793)
Chief Investigator
The project aim is to improve the field-based learning experience for students. The team includes staff from multiple disciplines in the new CMES and CTSE Colleges. The range of field-based learning activities undertaken in the two colleges will be identified and mapped to the curriculum in nominated courses. Focus groups will be held with academics and students to gather data. Findings will be shared with the broader university community through a collaborative symposium. Strategies for effective practice in field-based learning and teaching will be applied to nominated courses and the impact on student learning evaluated. The project deliverables will include a university-wide symposium, website and online guide to field-based learning.
01 Oct 2014 - 20 Jul 2016
Project Type
Learning and teaching;Learning spaces;Field based learning;Science Education
Funding Body
Office for Learning and Teaching
Project Team
Janet Buchan;Janine Sheaves;Paul Nelson;Tanya Doyle;Orpha Bellwood;Carl Spandler;Michelle Lasen;Lin Schwarzkopf