Mind your own business, you are a pest! A study on workplace nosiness and its impact on employees

JCU Singapore



Workplace nosiness has been increasingly recognized as a detrimental factor affecting employee mental health and productivity. Studies have shown that intrusive behaviors lead to higher stress levels, decreased job satisfaction, and lower productivity. Despite this recognition, there is a lack of comprehensive research that systematically examines the antecedents, types, and impacts of workplace nosiness across different organizational contexts. This study aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed analysis of workplace nosiness and its effects. The research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge by identifying specific behaviors and practices that constitute workplace nosiness, demonstrating the direct and indirect impacts of nosiness on key employee outcomes, and offering practical recommendations for managers and organizations to address and reduce nosiness.


01 Aug 2024 - 31 Jul 2025

Project Type



workplace nosiness;productivity;workplace health;employee well-being

Funding Body

JCU Singapore



Project Team

Ai Ni Teoh;Nurhafihz Noor;Kim Lim Tan