Diabetes Collaborative Evaluation Project (Old ID 23599)
Chief Investigator
The diabetes collaborative is a Continuous quality Improvement (CQI) approach to change that aims to improve health outcomes for patients diagnosed with Diabetes. It involves the introduction of a team-based, sustainable approach to learning whilst providing a sound understanding and application of quality improvement methodology and skills. This project aims to evaluate the implementation and outcomes of the WQPHN diabetes collaborative. Expected outcomes of the equation will be a greater understanding of the process of implementation and any changes within participant health services as a result of the collaborative. Evaluation of the program in the rural and remote context of WQPHN will inform on feasibility and effectiveness of this approach.
01 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2018
Project Type
Quality Improvement Approach;Primary Health Care;Diabetes
Funding Body
Western Queensland Primary Care Collaborative Limited
Project Team
Robyn Preston;Sabina Knight;Karen Carlisle;Rebecca Evans;Karen Johnston