Denitrification bioreactor trial in the Russell catchment of the Wet Tropics (Old ID 23408)
Chief Investigator
This project will establish the effectiveness of denitrification bioreactors as an on-farm technology for removing dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in waters draining the Babinda Swamp Drainage Area. The region has been identified as a hotspot for DIN in the Great Barrier Reef catchment. This will be the first trial of denitrification bioreactors in the Wet Tropics. Denitrifying bioreactors route water through a high-carbon substrate under anaerobic conditions to encourage denitrification (the conversion of DIN to atmospheric N2). Two bioreactor configurations will be tested at two sites, and the potential for broader adoption will be assessed.
01 Nov 2017 - 30 May 2020
Project Type
sugarcane;Water quality;nitrate;runoff;Wet Tropics;Great Barrier Reef
Funding Body
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
Project Team
Alex Cheesman;HanShe Lim;Bithin Datta;Nathan Waltham;Colin MacGregor