Near-infrared spectroscopy to improve detection of the invasive yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes. (Old ID 28988)

Skyrail Rainforest Foundation



This project aims to develop a proof-of-concept device capable of distinguishing the invasive yellow crazy ant from native ants in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area using a miniaturised near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic sensor. I will conduct an initial study into the variability of the yellow crazy ant NIR spectra then build a classification model to distinguish yellow crazy ants from common native ants using NIR spectra. These studies will be used to inform the prototype development. Prototype development will consist of the design and manufacture of a printed circuit board containing the NIR sensor and its support electronics. This prototype will be then validated using the same classification experiment of YCA against native ants.


01 Apr 2023 - 30 Apr 2025

Project Type



Yellow crazy ant;Anoplolepis gracilipes;Formicidae;Near-infrared spectroscopy;Passive identification

Funding Body

Skyrail Rainforest Foundation



Project Team

Lori Lach;Eric Wang;Bronson Philippa