NESP 3.4 Better management of catchment runoff to marine receiving environments in northern Australia. (Old ID 28969)

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Chief Investigator


Runoff from catchments in northern Australia has the potential to carry large amounts of sediment and nutrients. These available nutrients are important in driving coastal and estuary productivity, including many commercially and recreationally targeted species. Water resource development in northern Australia could reduce the supply of freshwater flow to the coast, thereby limiting supply of nutrients. This research project will examine the potential risks water resource development presents to Gilbert (QLD), Daly (NT) and Ord (WA) marine and coastal areas. We will complete a literature review, undertake flood plume modelling and examine vegetation damage along these coastal areas.


01 Feb 2023 - 30 Jun 2024

Project Type



Marine ecosystems;Water resource development;Fisheries;Water quality;Estuaries;modelling

Funding Body

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment



Project Team

Paula Cartwright;Mohammad Jahanbakht