Investigating the pitfalls of bee hotels (Old ID 30046)

Entomological Society of Queensland

Chief Investigator


Concern for bees among the public has led to the augmentation of habitat for bees including the addition of bee hotels. Bee hotels are often claimed to increase bee diversity and abundance. However, they artificially aggregate nesting sites above densities naturally available for bees, which could lead to increased prevalence of pathogens, viruses and parasitism, and higher predation rates. Properly controlled experiments to investigate these threats are limited, and none have been conducted in the tropics. This project investigates whether the density of nesting spaces in bee hotels affects predation rates and pathogen and parasite prevalence in cavity nesting bees.


01 Jul 2023 - 31 Dec 2026

Project Type



Bee hotel;pathogen;native bee;agriculture;threats;Trap nest

Funding Body

Entomological Society of Queensland



Project Team

Lori Lach;Peter Yeeles