Wet Tropics Major Integrated Project Synthesis Report (Old ID 23203)

FNQ NRM Ltd (Terrain Natural Resource Management)

Chief Investigator


Extensive science has been conducted in the catchments of the wet tropics region with the aim of improving water quality in the Great Barrier Reef. This project aims to compile and synthesise this information for the Johnstone and Tully Catchments. The synthesis will utilize and integrate extensive existing biophysical, land management practice, social and economic data with the aim of generating new and increased understanding of the current status and options for the future. It will be used in conjunction with feasibility studies to inform decision making around the best location and mix of on-ground actions to reduce nutrient and pesticide loads.


09 Feb 2017 - 30 Jun 2017

Project Type



Wet Tropics;Water Quality;Cane Farming;Great Barrier Reef;Agriculture

Funding Body

FNQ NRM Ltd (Terrain Natural Resource Management)



Project Team

Allan Dale;Stephen Lewis